Author: Ton Dijkmans
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Is it possible in professional to save the project file in the cloud, so multiple users can edit from any place?
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and IF it is possible, do all users need 'Professional' or can they use 'Home' or 'Compact'?
I never tested it, but if you set your exported project in a cloud anybody that can download it and have the same version of x5 can open it.
But other people need to have an seperate licence and needs to be on the same version or higher.
Version are downwards compatible, so x5 evo can't see or open an Pro project. But a Pro version can open an Evo version.
All licenses are for 1 person use only, so if other people wants to work they need a licence, after working they need to upload again the project file to keep the changes made so other users don't overright. So if two people will work on the same project at the same time 1 gets disapointed.
I understand that every user has to have a separate licence, that's not the problem. The matter is that I make sites for several people and after I have delivered the project to them (and made them buy a WebsiteX5 licence!), it would be usefull if the project could be saved an accessed on the ftp-server of the customer, so I can access the project if afterwards complex alterations are required and the customer is not able to do so.
That is the reason of my question. Is this possible? Because I tried to do this earlier. I made a ftp connection to a new map in my explorer and noticed WebsiteX5 could no see this map.
If you set the exported project in a map on the ftp server of the customer then you should be able to download and upload it. And customer also.
You need to take care that one does not wright over other chances but this should work.
you can't do this from the project you need to upload and download the exported file. and import it.
for export after changes: step 5 export project file set it to desktop, then upload it.
for importing latest change, first download to desktop, then import.
Like Ton I understand every user needs a licence. But I don't want them to buy the Professional version if they only need Home or Compact to add/edit content.
It's a pitty, Website X5 is not usefull for me / my customers.
Hello Jereon,
unfortunately it is not possible to open a project created with the Evolution version in a previous Home or Compact version. This is because the Home and Compact do not have all the functions that you can find in the Evolution version therefore they are not compatible.
I hope this helps,