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Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Portrait pictures within the "Masonry" and "Justified Gallery" object  en

Author: Ruud Rombout
Visited 2793, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I use WebSite X5 Professional 13 and have just downloaded and installed the "Masonry" and "Justified Gallery" object.

When I slect foto's for both objects (portrait and lanscape) all photos will be displayed as landscape. Also when I select only portrait photos, they still displayed as landscape.

In the attached image the issue is visible.

Can anyone tell how to fix this issue?


Ruud Rombout

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

Are te same pictures the same in a new standard project? Or are they then correctly shown?

Mostly you just need to turn the picture, use the edit mode in x5 or turn them correct before entering.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Hi Andre,

Thanks for your quick answer. Unfortunately within a new project the pictures al still all show as portrait. With the "Masonry" and "Justified Gallery" object there is no possebility to edit the picture to rotated them correctly.

When I look in the Windows Explorer the pictures are good!

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Posted on the from Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Some more info. With the standard Galary object you have the possebility to edit an picture. With the "Masonry" and "Justified Gallery" object we do not have this option. 

I also see that x5 import all pictures (even when they are in portrait mode) as landscape picture. When I edit an photo to portrait within the default Galary object and save this picture, to import it within the "Masonry" or"Justified Gallery" object the picture is than in portrait mode.

So i think that the import modue within x5 does not correct recognizes a portrait photo and handles it as a landscape photo. What i need is a edit option in the "Masonry" and "Justified Gallery" object to correct this.

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Posted on the from Ruud Rombout
Andre E
Andre E

I have tested a lot of pictures in masonry, and they all come out good. I usually use jpg files and oriantation is stored in the picture (EXIF). Do you edit the picture and then remove this info?

I just tested this, picked a jpg picture without EXIF info, saved it with EXIF orientation tag, then turned it and saved it with another name with EXIF orientation tag. Both showed up as I wanted, 1 good and one delibaratly wrong.....

So take a program like irfanview it's free and you can download it from internet, save pictures in correct view with EXIF orientation tag set and use these you should be fine then.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Hi Andre,

That is the trick to set the EXIF orientation tag! Now everything is working as expected.

Thanks a lot.

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Posted on the from Ruud Rombout