Order emails not sending full order 
Author: Adam O.Hi I hope you guys can help me. When someone submits a large order in my online shop, I don't receive the full order. I get the order email and the customer gets the confirmation email saying the order has sent correctly. But on large orders the bottom of the email is missing (with delivery charge, total amount and some items). I only receive 40 different products and some orders are much larger than that. I have been on online chat all afternoon with my server, who said there's nothing wrong with the set up and it must be a coding issue, something to do with email cell limitation. This is where I get lost, because I know nothing about coding. I only used website x5 because I needed a website and my dad had bought website x5 and never used it. It's been a steep learning curve and I don't think it's over yet. Any help would be very much appreciated. Please let one of you have the magic answer that will make my orders come through in full. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hello Adam O.,
If the used browser is not supporting or blocking the HTML5 Storage function then with large orders it uses only the browser cookies functionality which allows only small orders to be made becasue of the file size limit. In case the browser has the HTM5 Storage option it can store also larger orders and display them correctly.
In the Professional Edition there is also the option to store the orders in a database so these will be seen completely and will not need to have the HTML5 storage function and you can see them in the Admin panel of the website.
Many thanks!
Hi again,
So are you saying that Website X5 is unable to accept orders greater than 40 items? A pretty serious shortcoming for a web design program, wouldn't you say.
All I need is to be able to recieve an email order form with more than 40 items on it. How hard can it be?
I would appreciate any ideas. I don't need to take payments or even arrange delivery, I just need to recieve a complete order form.
Hello Adam,
The program is able to accept bigger orders but the browser used to make the order needs to support HTML5 storage since this option is used for bigger orders.
Check the browser you are using to make the orders supports HTRML5 storage function and to not have any plugins installed on the browser which could block this function.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
I've checked the browsers on a few systems now and still cannot get a complete order email if the number of items exceeds 40. This is a problem because some customers will order up to 100. I even disabled any plugins but it didn't help. Is it possible to reduce the amount of information stored or perhaps using simple text or maybe not sending header and footer. How can I fix this? Any suggestions?
Hello Adam,
It is already stored as simple text but cookies can store only a limited amount of data which contains maximum 40 products.
Which browsers did you use for the test?
Where these updated to the latest release?
Many thanks!
I tried Firefox and IE, both up to date latest versions.
Can I not alter the information that the program sends? I notice all the fields are 255 chrs long but I don't need that many.
Also, why do I get 2 files per order? A user-data file and an order-data file. Wouldn't it have been better to incorporate all the data into 1 file and name that file with the order number or at least include the order number to the files inside the zip? As it is now, every order comes with these 2 files with the same names (user-data and order-data). I have to rename every file after opening just to keep track.
I updated from version 10 to 11 because version 10 was missing features I needed. I am not happy to have to update again for the same reason. I think if I can't find a solution or workaround I will be looking for an alternative to website x5.
Thanks for your time and I still live in hope,
p.s. Why doesn't the order zip file contain any shipping amounts or details?
Hello Adam,
It is standard setting to send 2 csv files where in one are the customer data and in the other the order data and this cannot be changed. In any case this has not influence on the size limit since the limit is only during the processing of the order by the used browser.
Can you please write me the link to the website so I can make some tests?
Many thanks!