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Amanda O.
Amanda O.

Error on x5settings.php AGAIN  en

Author: Amanda O.
Visited 1808, Followers 1, Shared 0  

My email form is not working.  I am not receiving any emails that are sent using the form on my website.  Back in 2016 I was having the following problem, please see below;

I can edit the folliwng;

The original line in res/x5settings.php was:

'sitename' => 'Shafer's Truck & RV Sales LLC',

I changed it to:

'sitename' => "Shafer's Truck & RV Sales LLC",

Claudio from Website X5 did reply with the following;

Hello Amanda,

The developers are already working on it. At the moment try to remove the ' in the website name.

Many thanks!

Checking my server details again I see that my site name has reverted back to the old error.  I have not received any email for what seems like over a year.

Is there any resolution to this?  I have tried all of the different email form script types under date managment.  

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Andre E
Andre E

I suggest to try the admin panel test and check if mailing works from there with any one of the scripts.

That gives at least a starting point.

The provider did not change PHP version or mail type, you are still aloud to use PHP mailing from the provider?

Just some check's hope it will help you.

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Posted on the from Andre E
John S.
John S.

Hello Amanda

Be aware that many ISP's ( your internet service provider ) has changed policy about mailing. They require that the sender ID for your mails is a mail-address from the domain.

Normally you see no error - the mails are just not sent.

Use a mailaddress from the domain - if is is possible, you can on that mailaddress forward mails to your preferred mail-address.

Maybe this is not the reason - you must then try another way. Start using the admin-panel and the test-mail that is available there.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.