How to change the blog default URL?
Author: Dan L.
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I wish to use this blog as my testimonial, because I already have a wordpress blog plugin.
Is there a way to change the default URL?
Posted on the
Hello Dan,
Try the following
Go to Step 3:Map>Select the Testimonial Page>Then click on Properties>At the End of the General Tab you will find 'file name'>Tick on the checkbox then edit the page name>Save it and export your project
Hope this will help you. If you have any query regarding this keep posting
Thank you
Hello Ani,
I use "blog" to create this page, so the page property is not as a normal page, and it does not have file name, please see attached after I click property.
Hello Dan,
Instead of linking your Testimonial Page to Blog, It will be better to insert the blog widget in the page. By enabling Blog widget, all your latest posts will be visible to your Testimonial Page.
But if you link your Testimonial page directly to Blog then you will be unable to change your blog url.
So, if you really want to change your blog url, do what I mentioned above.
According to your attachment, the Testimonial page is not a page, it's a level menu. Do remeber that level menu never appears on website url, only the page appears. So, you have to create Testimonial Page, not the level. You will be able to change the url only if you created a page, not a level.
If you don't know how to insert the blog widget, simply follow the steps below:
Open Website X5>Go to Step 3:Map>Select your Testimonial Page and click on Next>Now in the right side Menu Item, search for utility>Under the utility objects you will find Blog Widget>Simply drag and drop the object on your page and save it.
Hope this will help you. If you have any query regarding this, keep postin.
Thank you
But the problem is I already had a blog with .../blog as the url, so even it is a widget, will it not overwrite the blog? It happened before, so I am not sure if this will resolve my problem.
Hello Dan,
The object Blog Widget, will not overwrite the blog. Actually this is a plugin that allows you to insert your blog contents to your web page.
I think you know that we have to create blog in Step1:Settings>Blog.
So whenever you will create a blog in Step 1, it will be automatically inserted into your Testimonial Page. For this you have to insert the Blog Widget into your Testimonial Page.
And you can name your testimonial page url as or anyother url.
Hope you get it. If you have more query keep posting.
Thank you
May I know if i can show the cover photo?
(IT > EN) ... you can drag the BLOG alias from the Special Pages section above the MENU icon: ... from now on the BLOG name can be renamed;
... the destination folder, however, will remain /blog/
---- manual - guide --------------------------------------------------------
Your Blog is published at the http// URL where http// is that of the website with which the Blog is associated (your website).
Once it has been published, a WebSite X5 Blog is a separate entity of the main website, and it is automatically added to the website Map in the Special pages folder (see Sitemap Creation). If you want to add the "Blog" item to the navigation menu, you will have to create an Alias for the Special page, by selecting it and dragging it to the Menu folder.
When you create a Blog, a Special page is automatically created in the Map and it is labeled "Blog": select it and open the Page Propertieswindow to define its main characteristics.
Because it is a part of the website, the Blog has the same graphics and the website's template is applied automatically to it.
(IT > EN) - Or you can use an independent sub-site, only for BLOG, exported to sub-directories; ... in this case you have to create a sub-directory in the NETWORK call it by another name, for example "blog_articles" ...
... the export of the empty content sub-site containing only the BLOG must be directed to the "blog_articles" sub-folder ...
... in this case the structure for the BLOG would be this:
... and the link to assign to the BLOG item of the main site menu/level: blog_articles/blog/
... in the BLOG sub-site under the HOME-level menu item to go to the main site assign the link:
... seems difficult, but it is not; ... to enter the optics, if you do tests with simplified projects, even a single page to speed up, you will quickly realize and then you will work with confidence for the real site ...
(IT) - Oppure puoi usare un sotto-sito indipendente, solo per il BLOG, esportato in sotto-directory; ... in questo caso devi creare in RETE una sotto-directory chiamarla con altro nome, per esempio "blog_articoli"...
... l'esportazione del sotto-sito vuoto di contenuti ma contenente il solo BLOG deve essere indirizzato alla sotto-cartella "blog _ articoli"...
... in questo caso la struttura per il BLOG sarebbe questa:
www.tuosito/blog _ articoli/blog/
...ed il collegamento da assegnare alla voce BLOG del menu/livello del sito principale: blog _ articoli/blog/
... nel sotto-sito del BLOG alla voce del menu-livello HOME per andare nel sito principale assegnare il collegamento:
... sembra difficile, ma non lo è; ...per entrare nell'ottica, se fai delle prove con progetti semplificati, anche di un sola pagina per velocizzare, te ne renderai rapidamente conto e dopo lavorerai con sicurezza per il sito vero e proprio...