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Wagner A.
Wagner A.

X5 Optimizer  en

Author: Wagner A.
Visited 1922, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Since the 2019.1.6 update the Optimizer for the Evo does not work.

The error message stated that bthe Pro version had the option of the optimizer. What happen to the Evo version. Will we have an updated version of the optimizer that will work with the Evo or not


Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Wagner, optimiser is now only available in the pro version (as part of the export project option). For users continuing with older versions I understand optimiser can be requested.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

I see that X5 is asking user of the Evo to upgrade to PRO.

That is not good fair play. After having the option available for Evo and used it you have now to forget it.

I hope that the nex move from X5 will not be to completely disregard version EVO and have only the small version  and X5 Pro available.

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Posted on the from Wagner A.
Elisa B.

Hi Wagner,

unfortunately I must confirm that WebSite X5 Optimizer is no longer available, because its functions have been integrated in WebSite X5 Pro.

Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.