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Bill M.
Bill M.

Text Object not showing anything  en

Author: Bill M.
Visited 3142, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I am attampting to add/edit new text in my Text Objects, but they are empty. I have several text objects throughout my website an they are ALL blank when trying to edit.

When I click on the text box (with a plan to edit or add text) it won't give me a cursor 

The website has text in those objects from a previous edit some months ago.

Other Objects seem fine

My website is


I tried removing Website X5 Evolution and re-installing ..... but zero difference

I am using v17.0.12

Please help


Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

Try a restart of pc, and open only x5.

Don't open any other programs or close them if they open automticly.

See if the problem is still there, if it is you might want to reinstel .net framework 4.7.

you can find the install on internet.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Nigel P.
Nigel P.

Hi Bill,

Were you using a white font on a coloured background originally and then changed the background to White?

If you edit one of the cells concerned, try selecting the text (even if you cant see it displayed). You may find this method will show the text.

In which case change the text font colour or apply a coloured background.

Have done this myself before.


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Posted on the from Nigel P.
Bill M.
Bill M.

Try a restart of pc, and open only x5.

Don't open any other programs or close them if they open automticly.

See if the problem is still there, if it is you might want to reinstel .net framework 4.7.

you can find the install on internet.

Hi Andre ... I tried as you suggested and no difference. Framework 4.7 was already at the latest.

Were you using a white font on a coloured background originally and then changed the background to White?

If you edit one of the cells concerned, try selecting the text (even if you cant see it displayed). You may find this method will show the text.

In which case change the text font colour or apply a coloured background.

Have done this myself before.

Hi Nigel ... I thought of that, but a) there had benn no changes at all, and I'm not even seeing a cursor in the text box. So I'm still having the problem. 

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Bill,

The next logical thing to check would be whether or not any antivirus or firewall installed on your computer is interfering with WebSite X5.  In the past Reason Core Security, Kaspersky, AVG and Avast have all been known to cause issues for some users.

You should be able to temporarily add an exception to any antivirus/firewall to allow WebSite X5 to operate unhindered.  Alternatively you could try starting your computer in Safe Mode to see if the Text Object will work correctly with the minimum of other drivers and software loaded.

Another thing to check would be the number of fonts installed on your computer, as there have occasionally been problems where a user has an exceedingly large number of fonts installed.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

Paul ... thanks for the relply, but after trying to limit Virus software (Sophos), and even removing all virus protection for a short time, I'm still having no luck. I also tried removing a whole lot of Fonts (even though I don't have that many installed). Rebooting several times during each modification didn't help either

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks for the update, Bill.

The thread is now marked for the specific attention of the Incomedia support team.

You should receive a reply from them early next week sometime.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Bill,

PLease reinstall / repair .net framework, this can be damaged although it's the latest version.

So please remove and reinstall or repair, this might still be helpfull!

Let me know!


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Posted on the from Andre E
Bill M.
Bill M.

Repaired .Net Framework .... no change

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bill, you are using WX5 V17.0.12, but the most correct version of v17.1.2 so I assume you chose not to take advantage of Update Protection at the time.

There were a number of issues in various releases of v17 (eg

Please go to step 5 and export site to create an iwzip (you should have older iwzip files of the project that could be tested? If you have no older iwzip files, please ensure you regularly create them (& rename) in case of future catastrophe). When this is done, please exit WX5, restart it and import your newly created iwzip (this will not overwrite your existing project). If this does not fix the problem can we assume that there have been no major changes to your PC (new hardware, Operating System major upgrade or restore?) and that you are working totally locally (not from USB device, across network or with synchronising software running - one drive is off?) 

If the answer is no to all the above can you confirm that you did run WX5 with all 3rd party protection off as requested by Andre  (a recent experience here required me to actually uninstall Malwarebytes and my 3rd party anivirus to track down the cause).

If still no luck, can you advise how big your iwzip file is?

(there used to be a standalone optimiser available that coud be run over the iwzip (optimised images and "occasionally" fixed some issues), I have a number of releases but unfortunately it was version specific, so if I supplied it you may finish up with an optimised iwzip that will not open in your version of WX5)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Bill M.
Bill M.

OK ... Going back a couple of months I had a major computer problem in that the motherboard shorted, and I had a small internal fire. This caused several other components to stop working as well ... incl an external hard drive, power supply & video card. From here, I had to replace motherboard, videocard, memory, hard drives, power supply. I also had to upgrade my Operating System from Windows 7 (reluctantly) to Windows 10.

It occured to me that the video card might be an issue, so a) I upgraded to latest drivers and also tried reverting to the on-board video, .. Neither test made any difference. 

Yes ... I rebooted multiple times between all tests and changes to no effect

Since then I haven't need to do any text editing, and probably for a month or so before that as well.

I did have a backup file of an older export which I used to restore my website to prog.

I am now retired and on fairly limited income, so I didn't take up on the Update Protection.

I alos have a second problem that is likely related .... The Website Preview is also not functioning. I never noticed at first as I don't often use it. 

I have done two X5 backups in the last couple of days Backup 1 is 513,343 Kb and pbackup 2 (today) is 511,451 Kb

I can confirm I ran X5 with all virus protection off ... no change, and I also went through my installed software and removed several non required programs, and again ... no change. I have used Malawarebytes in the past but it is not installed on my system.

I can also confirm I working completely on my local PC - no network, USB or any other device involved. My Backups are 100% manual and I haven't done one for a significant time. I don't use sync software.

I browsed the but nothing seemed to help.

Phew !!!


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Posted on the from Bill M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bill, I understand your frustration, but at least now there is some logic. But if the following is a wild goose chase, I apologise in advance.

Earlier this year I too rebuilt my PC to Windows 10 and after that recent versions of WX5 would not even run. I know you have worked through re-install of .net, but did you re-install c++?

Try to repair the .NET Frameworks by following these steps:
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. Clear also the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 and then click on OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and 4.6 and then click ok.

Once done proceed to reinstall the Visual C++

2010 -
2012 -
2013 -
2015 -

(you need to download the x86 version also even if the OS is 64bit):

In case this should not help try to use before this repair tool and then try again to start WebSite X5.

(taken from & and this post also appears relevant

Good luck, please keep us informed.

(BTW I admire your tenacity in rebuilding the PC, I would have walked away and started again on new hardware)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Bill M.
Bill M.

Good Day ... I went through the whole process with .NET Framework and Visual C, as well as applying the Repair Tool, but there is no change - I'm still not seeing any text in Text Object or any change in the Preview system. 

Aaaagh!! :)


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Posted on the from Bill M.
Andre E
Andre E

Are you using a touchscreen display?

Have you updated to latest version, please do so.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Bill M.
Bill M.

Not a Touchscreen Display ... I use standard monitors 

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Is Windows 10 fully updated, Bill?

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

Paul ... Windows 10 wasn't at the latest version (almost but not quite) so I downloaded and reinstalled. Rebooted of course. Retried X5, but sadly still no change 

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bill, if you wish to place an iwzip file in the root directory of your website (use filezilla or similar) and advise the exact name of the file I would be pleased to download and test in v17.0.12 (or later)

Please be aware that if you do this then anyone with this information could download your project, for this reason I recommend you make a copy of your project, remove your ftp login details and anything else you do not want others to know before creating the backup.

If you would prefer to limit access to your project, please find my contact details at, but of course then you would preclude other users (far more clever than I) from trying to check your project as well :-)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Bill M.
Bill M.

Before I send you a copy of my iwzip file - I had to revert back to an earlier version of Windows10 - My computer slowed right down to something that was unusable with the latest version of 10. The new version didn't work anyways ...

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

I have sent you a Google Drive link .... 

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Assuming your google drive has enough space I will download it as soon as it is available.

Windows 10 1903 (?) should not slow your PC (Microsoft claims it makes it faster :-), but after the 1903 update there are significant updates required which generally takes hours.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Stefano G.

Hi Bill

I have to confirm that in most cases, if the issue you're getting is that the Text Objects are not displaying any content and you're unable to edit that, it is due to some antivirus program or similar which is interfering with the software.

You should be able to confirm this further. If you reinstall your software, it should run okay the first time. If you save a project, shut the software down and retry, the Text Object should be non-editable again.

Did you try to switch the software and PC off after disabling Antivirus and Firewall? You should restart the software and not do so while the software is already running or it will have no effect

Try this out and keep me posted on the result

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bill, sadly I think Stefano is correct (if not, Win10 has an issue)

I have downloaded  your project and reinstalled WX5 v17.0.12 Evo. Your project opens fine and all text in any text box I open can be seen and editted, plus the preview works as it should. Unless the issue is restricted to one or more specific pages (please advise if so) then it works perfectly. Although it does come up as missing Arial and Sans Serif fonts on my PC when it first starts.

I would uninstall any 3rd party antivirus or firewall and reboot, if that fails I would resort to running Windows without background apps

or maybe

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Bill M.
Bill M.

I have tried multiple times disabling Anti-virus programs (currently no AntiVirus, other than Defender). Disabled ALL background apps, turned off most autostart apps, removed most Shareware or Freeware (there was only a few items, and I'm only left with OpenOffice 4.1.6, CCleaner & Calibre). Remaining apps are my registered versions of AdobeCC (Lightroom & Photoshop), Acrobat Reader, Skype, Solidworks, EOS Utilities (Canon), Opera, Magix Photostory and of course Website X5.   I recently updated my Graphics Card software NVIDEA. 

ESAHC: the issue is with all text boxes, and I'm aware of the Font issue, which I've lived with for a long time.

I've only recently installed this version of Windows10 1809 (I did instal 1903, but was deathly slow, so I reverted to 1809. The original Windows 10 install following a computer rebuild was around 6 weeks ago, so as you can imagine I'm a little reluctant to reinstall, based on all the hassle of re-installing software etc, at this juncture.

Any thoughts ?


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Posted on the from Bill M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

Today ... I downloaded the latest windows 10 version (build 1903) and installed it as an upgrade. It installed cleanly and is very fast, but problem still persists. It looks like my only option (and I'm not happy about it) is to do a clean windows10 install from scratch. My only concern is that I go through all that work ... figuring out login names & passwords for my registered software etc etc (I had  much trouble 6-7 weeks ago when I did the initial install), that I wont be any better off - so not looking forward to this option one little bit. So hoping you have an easier suggestion :)


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Posted on the from Bill M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Bill,

I don't currently have version 17 installed so can't post a screenshot, but in the opening Preferences screen there are two checkboxes...  Update the Pages while editing the Project and Update Preview while editing the Project

Can you confirm that these are both unchecked?

If instead there are ticks in either box then would you mind removing them, opening your project, and checking whether or not you can then make edits in the Text Object and/or view the Preview?

ref: The Preferences window

Also, can you verify that you tried Stefano's test as below?

Stefano G.
You should be able to confirm this further. If you reinstall your software, it should run okay the first time. If you save a project, shut the software down and retry, the Text Object should be non-editable again. Did you try to switch the software and PC off after disabling Antivirus and Firewall? You should restart the software and not do so while the software is already running or it will have no effect

You should be able to confirm this further. If you reinstall your software, it should run okay the first time. If you save a project, shut the software down and retry, the Text Object should be non-editable again. Did you try to switch the software and PC off after disabling Antivirus and Firewall? You should restart the software and not do so while the software is already running or it will have no effect

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

Paul ... under the Preferences there are two sections General & File Creation.

Under the General tab there is a check box "Check for updates at program startup". This box is checked (which I will leave yes/no?)

File Creation has two check boxes "Update the pages while editing" & a sub box "Update preview while editing". These I have left both unchecked.

In this condition I still do not have any success ...

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

OK, thanks Bill, it was worth a try.

What about Stefano's test?  Did you try that also?

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

On impulse I went to another drive (This used to be my Boot drive, and has a copy of X5 17.0.12 installed). I ran the program from this drive (I used it as an external drive) an lo and behold it opened correctly. 

I was now wondering if I copy the contents of this program folder to the one I currently use, would this fix the issue???? 



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Posted on the from Bill M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

Yes I tried Stefano's suggestions

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Posted on the from Bill M.
Bill M.
Bill M.

OK ... After a bit of a backup,  I copied all files from my X5 folder, on my external drive, to the operating drive (overwriting) ...  and now everyhing seems to be operating correctly. I suspect that there must have been either a missing or corrupt operating file. 

Phew !!!

Thanks for the support,


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Posted on the from Bill M.
Andre E
Andre E

We are always glad to help.

Thanks for the feedback.

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Posted on the from Andre E