How to make menu visible on all pages 
Author: Susan M.
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I have changed my menu from a side bar to top bar, it seems to be working just fine, but when I click on the different pages it is not giving the option to go back to other pages.
How do I make the menu visible at all times at the top of the page, so then when clicking on different pages within the website you have the option to click on other pages or go back to home.
Your assistance would be much appreciated thank you ?
Posted on the
Susan, if you could add a screen shot it would help us a little. If you could provide us a link to your website we would be able to provide even more assistance.
I will assume you have a menu at desktop resolulion, but can I also assume there is no menu visible at mobile resolution?
If this is the case, visit every resolution under step 2 template content and ensure that the menu object exists and it totally within the displayable area (when you select the menu object, all 8 handles should be visible.
It there is sufficient room available you will see the full text menu, if there is insufficient you will see the hamburger menu.
Susan, I checked your profile. On this website you appear to have 2 menus. In the header as a hamburger menu (visible on every page and every resolution except desktop) and as a menu object added to only the home page top row.
You could add the menu object to the top row of every page, but better to simply adjust the size of objects and make the menu visible as you require for every resolution of the header. You could of course add a sticky bar as well so the menu remains visible as you scroll down the page.
Please advise if you require assistance.
Thank you so much for your response and for taking the time in finding my website and having a look. Much appreciated. I have been onto my ipad and iphone and both have the hamburger and can navigate around them ok.
The desktop still not working though, if I click on show the hamburger it only shows the hamburger and not the
menu as I have created on the desktop. When I go to website contents to the menu it is showing nothing see the screenshot I am attaching.
I am not sure what you mean by a sticky bar?
Yes please if you could give me some assistance I would appreciate it. I will be heading off to bed in less than an hour, not sure where you are based?
Look forward to hearing from you
Susan, unfortunately I am in Oz so you sleep and I work and vica versa.
First of all, go to step 2 template content and in the header at desktop resolution, click on hidden object management and select hidden object management for this viewport. If the menu is there, unhide it (this will give you the menu in the desktoop header).
Now, if the above fixes the problem ignore the next step in italics - it is only here to save you waiting 24 hours for a reply if the above doesn't work)
You have a menu on the top row of the home page
go to step step 3 and open the home page, select the menu and right click to copy, now return to the header in step 2 template content, right click anywhere and paste. This will put the menu on the header at desktop resolution.
So that you do not have 2 menus in the header, go to the next resolution down, select the new menu you just added and then select hidden object management and hide for this and subsequent resolutions.
Irrespective of how you get the menu visible at desktop, you may wish to rearrange items in the header at various resolutions so they do not overlap, and remember you can also go to step 2 template structure and provide more (or less) vertical space to accomodate the menu.
Sticky bar is easy
Once you select it you can set the size, background etc and content (menu+logo?), but if you get your headers correct first life should be easier.
Hi thanks for all that, will get too it very soon, have granddaughters here for the day.
Well that is fortunate that you are in oz! I am in Perth but maybe you are over east and three hours ahead, that does make a difference.
I will get back to you when I have been able to read and do
Since there is only 4 hours between us you will find my contact details at
If push comes to shove I can even remotely access your PC and project should you wish.
I have had quite a play with it and had some success!
On the desktop, I have the main menu and a hamburger on other pages
Same on the ipad
the iphone has two hamburgers on the front page, don't seem to be able get rid of the second one, the other pages only one.
Not sure what the stickynote achieves or how to go about it??
thanks for your assistance
Susan, I must guess, but I think you have a menu on the home page on the first row. If you delete that row I think you will find you have only one menu (in the header) on all pages
The STICKYBAR lets you have a menu that appears once the header scrolls off the screen. It can include not just menu, but also logo if you wish. I frequently reprodruce the whole header with all content so that it acts as a fixed header at the top of the page. The height of the sticky bar is variable for each resolution (as is the header/footer) so you can always fit as much or as little as is required.
No sorry you have lost me not sure what you mean here I have attached a screenshot, not sure if this is what you meant about the menu
I looked at the sticky note but I can't see where you pick up the menu to put it in the sticky note??
Susan, open the home page as shown on your screen shot. I believe you will see a menu object on the top row, if you delete this object I believe you will only see one menu (in the header).
I will address the rest of your question when I have access to more than a mobile.
Assuming that I removed the right thing, the menu didn't show at all then so put it back in again!
Susan, please contact me via and we will arrange to talk and / or remote access. There is obviously something that I do not understand & I am guessing it should take about 5 minutes if I can look at your project.
You are very kind thankyou, will check out very soon, just a few things to finish up here first Susan
Hi I sent you an email, did you get it ? gordon@
Sadly no Susan
you didn't mis-type the domain name did you?
gordon at (or use the contact form?)
- if you provide your number and it is a reasonable hour (over here) I will ring you on receipt
I will keep watching . . . .
Apologies, yes I found your email (got lucky).
I have replied by sms and will send an email :-)