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Peter O.
Peter O.

Porting a Blog to another site  en

Author: Peter O.
Visited 1926, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Is it possible to port a blog complete from one projet to another?  I am currently re-designing our web site in 2019.3.14 and our old site is in V13.  I've tried opening two instances of the program and copying from one to the other, but the blog won't copy.  I can't just open the old one and alter it as the content, design and feel is completely different in the new site.  Any suggestions as to how I can port the blog and it's contents from a V13 project to a 2019.3.14 project please?

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Unfortunately I believe the iwzip needs to be v14 or later, so it would be necessary to create an iwzip in v13 (step 5 export project) as KolAsim has said and then import it into v14 or later and create another iwzip for import into v2019.3.14

When opened in v2019.3.14 then the whole project could be used or if recreating the site, effectively delete everything but the blog.

Assistance is available here if requested.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Peter O.
Peter O.

Thanks Kolasim and Esahc for the suggestions, unfortunately it doesn't quite answer the question. Yes I've managed to import the COMPLETE v13 project already, but all I want is to import the blog from one project to another - not the complete project. If I open two instances of the program and open the two maps, I can copy any other page from project to project, but not the 'special pages', i.e the blog. I've also tried opening the blog in both instances of the software to copy individual entries but this doesn't work either. frown

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Posted on the from Peter O.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Peter, I have marked this question for Incomedia's attention. I can only find one other post relating to export blog and it never appeared to get an answer.

If it was me in this position with a large blog required in a new project/web site I would effectively duplicate the site and then proceed to change the content in the copy. Assuming your website is not too large or complex you could remove/recreate/rebuild around the blog?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Peter O.
... ... ... ... ...  If I open two instances of the program and open the two maps, I can copy any other page from project to project, but not the 'special pages', i.e the blog. I've also tried opening the blog in both instances of the software to copy individual entries but this doesn't work either.

(It > En) ... you should do the opposite ...
... delete all the pages of the site in the BLOG project converted in v.2019 ...
... and then copy-paste from the new project v.2019 to the BLOG project ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... or you can simply delete all the pages in the BLOG project, and leave the HOME empty, and export this project in a sub-directory (or sub-folder) named "blog for which the address of this blog would be:
... in the site project menu insert a NEW LEVEL with link:
... or:
... and in the HOME of the BLOG project insert an META automatic redirect to the HOME of the main site ...



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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Elisa B.

Hi Peter, 

as KolAsim suggested, it is not possible to copy the Blog from a project to the other, you should follow the opposite procedure, i.e. copy the pages of a project and paste them in the one which includes the blog. 

Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.