Deleted files get uploaded either way 
Author: Clato Pictures FilmstudioWhen I delete a picture or file or plugin, etc. from my webpage, I think, those are gone. But it turns out: no.
Those files are still getting uploaded to the webhost and as a result, it's getting a real mess up there... Even when I'm deleting certain files manually and directly via my webhost, the files get uploaded again by X5, even when there is no connection to this file left anywhere in the project.
There are now (I don't know how many) unneccesary files on my FTP Server, which are blocking some of the available storage and make my webpage heavier and slower.
And even Plugin-Data remains online, eventhough a particilar plugin doesn't even get used any more on the page. When deleted manually, X5 will just upload them again.
It seems, every Plugin or file ever used sticks with a webpages project for ever, even when it gets deleted....... The only solution currently would be, to build a project every few years from ground up, to prevent this mess...
I would like to hear some feedback on this topic from a X5 delevolper, why X5 behaves this way (and it has done for ever). I really hoped with v2021, this would get fixed, but I got once more dissapointed...
Thanks in advance for the feedback and I'm open to discuss this issue more deeply, as i think it would make every webpage creators live easier.
Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hello Claudio
Especially when coming from older versions, issues such as these can remain embedded into your project. This is due to particular situations that the software doesn't handle properly that can lead to files being lingering inside the data
I can confirm, judging by the issue you describe, that since there are many elements present in these conditions this, unfortunately, makes it impossible to manually operate to remove them.
However, I can recommend an alternative method to fix the problem in a sufficiently agile manner.
The incorrect data that leads to the creation of the wrong elements is inherent within the project, so you should first proceed to create a new project.
Once this is done, open another instance of the program in order to have the program open twice with the new project on one side and the original one on the other.
At this point, you can copy the pages from Step 3 of the original project to the new project. After doing this, check that all the contents of the page appear
By doing so, you can transport the pages into the new project without having to recreate the project from scratch and consequently removing the leftovers in the project that cause the creation of these old files, which unfortunately can no longer be removed from the original project.
Pay attention to this though. When you "Copy" to a page from the original project, you will find that hovering the mouse in the new project window you will not be able to "Paste". This is due to the fact that to enable the "Paste" button when you do this to move pages from one project to another with two programs open at the same time, you should first copy and paste any page into the new project.
At this point, the "Paste" button will be enabled and the program will be able to recognize the "Copy" command even if it comes from a second program window opened with another project
Try to proceed like this and let me know if you have any problems
Thank you
Well, but that doesn't really solve anything, right? It's just a workaround... I I would still need to recreate the template and every other setting, shop items, SEO, Databases, login, stiles, layouts, ...
Hello Claudio
Unfortunately, yes. I assume your project is coming from older versions? This is something that is being improved every version more to avoid such occurrences. Unfortunately, it was very present in some older versions which leads to the issue now.
As of now, since it is not possible for the software to automatically determine which content really is no longer used anywhere, I am afraid that this is the best solution available when a project should get too big in size
I apologize for the situation but remain available for any further doubts