Contact Form Object - Include the collected data in csv format 
Author: Dinos Longinos
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When we created a "Contact Form Object" and clicked to "Include the collected data in CSV format in order to open the file in MS-Excel.
When we open the file in MS-Excel, we get all the fields in one MS-Excel cell!
Is there a way to separate the fields in separate MS-Excel cells?
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... devi conoscere bene il tuo Foglio di Calcolo; quando importi il CSV nel Foglio di Calcolo, qualsiasi esso sia, devi selezionare o assegnare come seme separatore il punto e virgola (;) ...come specificato nella Guida...
... you must know your Spreadsheet well; when you import the CSV into the Spreadsheet, whatever it is, you must select or assign semicolon (;) ... as specified in the Guide ...