Question on Portfolio object parameter ' search' 
Author: Jay H.
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There are is a lot of information on the "New Features" of X5, but there isn't an explaination on how the 'search' parameter works in the Portfolio Object.
I have an online store. My Shopping Cart is linked to an information page that gives a lot of details about the product. When the Product Page is a link to the info page...the Keywords in SEO is greyed out. So how do I put keywords into my info pages to I can use the Portfolio Object - Search?
How does the Search parameter work?
I don't know if this message should be for everyone or just Incomedia. So I am posting for Public.
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Hello. You may find this video useful
The search searches for words in the titles and description (as far as I know).
"the Keywords in SEO is greyed out" - please provide a link to an example of such a page.
I just checked out the Preview and the Ordered portion of the Search only shows Default and Title (which orders the titles). I want to put in keywords of options people can select for my pieces. Say someone wants beads, they can order or search for pieces that have beads. Do I need to rename all of my Titles with the different keywords in the titles for a search to be successful?
Here is the Portfolio Object site: <a href="">New Site</a>
And the old site without the Portfolio: <a href="">Old Site</a>
The only difference woutd be that you have an extra button to click on to get to the description page. And the old one doesn't have a search.
These images are my configurations of each element. Image ShoppingCart-Details shows that I have a link instead of product information, the entry spaces for the details. In ShoppingCart-SEO the area on Keywords is greyed out. The PortfolioObject-CardSettings gives the Button information to access that card's page.
Sorry the links didn't come through properly...I didn't have the code button selected, which I don't see. So just copy the link yourself.
"Do I need to rename all of my Titles with the different keywords in the titles for a search to be successful?" - No. You can add keywords to the description.