Please Website X5 Developers, Implement these features soon 
Author: German L.Hello,
In the past, I've petitioned with questions or suggestions / ideas for certain features to be implemented into Website X5 that I feel would be of benefit, especially to those of us trying to build eCommerce based websites for digital audio and/or video products to sell. However, my feature suggestions / requests would also benefit people dealing with digital art images that they sell also.
My first suggestion which I feel would benefit anyone selling digital products (whether images, audio, or video content), is to allow us the ability to upload multiple files for a single product in the "Digital product" tab of "Settings > Shopping Cart > Product List > selected product item > Product Settings > Digital product.
This would benefit as follows:
For a seller making a site with X5 who makes and sells digital photography / art, the seller would want to have the option of selling 3 or 4 different sizing options of the same photograph, and that this seller has 500 different photographs that they want to create various size options for their customers to choose from to buy. By implementing the feature I mentioned above, the seller can choose to upload 4 different sized files (the same picture in either a 4x6, 5x7, 10x14, 18x24 for example with each size costing more the larger the size of the picture) for each product they are selling, so that when a customer is shopping through their 500 photographs, they can select a photo they're interested in buying from the shop catalog, and then from that particular photo they're interested in, they can select which size they want from a dropdown menu on the product. This will then cause the backend scripting to tell which download link is sent to the customer upon completing their purchase, so that if they buy a photo of a butterfly from the seller's site, and chose the 10x14 option, they will receive a download link for that specific 10x14 size only.
Or suppose a person sells audio files on their website and may have 300 different audio files in their shop catalog. They may choose to sell 3 different options (a lower quality MP3, a medium quality WAV file, or a higher quality WAV file) for each of those 300 audio files. The seller can create the options using the "Options" tab for each of the audio files a customer can choose from, and would then have on the "Digital Product" tab, the option to upload 3 different files (mp3, medium quality WAV, higher quality WAV). This will then allow the customer (as in the example above) the option to select which file type they want to buy (and again, the cost being higher for the higher quality files vs lower) and when they complete their transaction, the script would relay the download link or files to the customer based on what they buy.
I would also suggest that similar to how "Digital Product" is currently in being able to select "Local File on PC" or "Internet file", that this would be possible for multiple digital product links for a single product. This would allow the option to either upload to our hosting website, or, to place the proper download links that may be attached to Dropbox, etc.
This Walmart page on prints is an example of what I mean, where you can see a customer has multiple options to choose from (4x6, 5x7, 8x10, etc) and depending on what they select, upon purchase, would receive downloadable images only for 4x6 or 5x7 or 8x10, etc. Something that functions like this is what I'm suggesting, so that each digital product being sold in a shop catalog (photo, art, audio, video, etc) has multiple options and depending on what the customer buys, is what they will receive.
Currently, we can only upload one file or download link per product, even if there are multiple options within that product to choose from. And it is not a smooth shopping experience for a customer if we have to make 3 or 4 shop pages to accomodate for each file type, instead of it functioning more like the link example above.
My other suggestion relates around adding a Tab to the "Settings > Shopping Cart > Product List > selected product item > Product Settings" for "Audio / Video" file. Currently, there is "General" and "Image" and "Properties" and so on, but having something for "Audio / Video" file that adds a mini HTML5 player to a Product Card similarly to how Image is added would be great. I know there are workarounds with adding HTML data, but while I've attempted this, when transitioning to mobile or otherwise, the website may start to look out of place or not aligned properly. However, if there was a way to configure a small PLAY / STOP button using an HTML5 player embedded into the Product Cards if a person adds an audio or video file to their product, that would be a great feature to have for those of us who sell audio or video files on our websites.
Here are some example links of websites utilizing something like this:
I hope that these suggestions can be implemented soon and that we will be able to upload multiple file sizes or create multiple download links for a single product so that our customers can buy only the file that they need rather than having to deal with everyone manually in order to provide options. I also hope that an Audio / Video player tab can be integrated directly into the Product Shop Settings instead of having to do everything manually via workarounds.
I'd be glad to elaborate further if need be. However, I have been hoping for features such as these above to be integrated for awhile now, yet it still hasn't been considered.
Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hi German,
thank you for getting in touch and for your suggestions, which I will be happy to report. As far as your second suggestion is concerned, please consider you can already import videos alongside images for the products of your e-commerce.
Please let me know if I can be of any further help.
Thank you Elisa for the information on Video. I just noticed that now. However, my suggestion for Audio still stands as it would be great to have this type of feature with an Audio function to it as well as Image / Video as it currently has in the Image tab.
My main suggestion with the first portion of the email is my biggest hope for Website X5. Thanks for your reply, I definitely appreciate it.