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louis nijhof
louis nijhof

The button does not count the downloads  nl

Author: louis nijhof
Visited 877, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hello Experts

I have a (small) question, I bought the button download counter on the market place.
Want to use it to see how much my manuals will be downloaded.

My site:

But somehow it does not count, and after refreshing the page all is set to zero.
I thought this button shows how many time it is downloaded.

It could be that I'm doing something wrong.

Hope to hear the answer


Posted on the
Elisa B.

Hi Louis, 

thank you, I am going to report this and keep you posted. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Elisa B.

Hi Louis, 

the issue is probably due to the fact that the write permissions aren't correctly set for the folder where the download number information is stored on server. You need to contact your provider and make sure to activate the write permissions for the PluginApp folder.

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
louis nijhof
louis nijhof

Hello Elisa,

Thank you for the quick response.

I have set the setting on written and it seems to work better.

Sadly is not counting with Chrome or Firefox, but when you use Edge it starts counting.

Could be an other setting will need to find out.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Kind regards


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Posted on the from louis nijhof
Stefano G.

Hello Louis

I've tested your website with Firefox and Chrome now and the counter seems to work fine.

Can you please try this again and keep me posted here?

Thank you



Hallo Louis

Ik heb uw website nu getest met Firefox en Chrome en de teller lijkt goed te werken.

Kun je dit alsjeblieft nog een keer proberen en me hier op de hoogte houden?

Dank je


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
louis nijhof
louis nijhof

Hello Stefano,

It could be that it the settings off my chrome browser was wrong.
When I download it immediately puts it in the download map. Now I have set it so I need to choose where I want to download it and now it is counting in chrome to.
Think is a (wrong) setting of mine, think the program needs to see some changing on the side to Tricker the count.

It looks like its working correct now, thanks for checking

Kind regards

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Posted on the from louis nijhof