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Tony B.
Tony B.

Warning! Do Not Upgrade to Version 10  en

Author: Tony B.
Visited 1237, Followers 3, Shared 0  

I have upgraded from Version 9 to Version 10 and converted some projects.  Two days ago I started Version 9 to export and convert more projects and it said my Version 9 licence was invalid.  I am unable to access all of my projects in Version 9.  Incomedia say that if you upgrade to Version 10 you cannot use Version 9.  So Incomedia have stolen my data and refuse to answer any of my posts.


Ho effettuato l'aggiornamentodalla versione9 alla versione 10e convertitoalcuni progetti.Due giorni faho iniziatoversione 9per esportare econvertire piùprogetti eha dettola miaversione 9di licenzanon è valido.Non sono in gradodi accedere atutti i miei progettiinversione 9.Incomediadire chese si aggiorna allaversione 10non è possibile utilizzarela versione9.CosìIncomediahanno rubatoi miei datie si rifiutano dirispondere a qualsiasidei miei post.

Non aggiornarealla versione 10!

Ich habe vonVersion 9auf Version10 aktualisiertund konvertierteinige Projekte.Vor zwei Tagenfing ich anVersion 9zu exportieren undzu konvertierenmehr Projekteundsagte meineVersion9-Lizenzwar ungültig.Ich binnicht in der Lage, alle meineProjektein Version 9zugreifen.Incomediasagen, dass wennSie ein Upgrade aufVersion 10können Sienicht verwendenVersion 9.SoIncomediahabe meineDaten gestohlenund sich weigernzu einemmeiner Beiträgezu antworten.

NICHTauf Version 10 umzustellen!

J'ai mis à jourdepuis la version9 àla version 10et converticertains projets.Il ya deux jours, j'ai commencéà exporterversion 9et convertird'autres projetset il a ditmaversion 9de licencen'est pas valide.Je suisincapable d'accéder àl'ensemble de mesprojetsdans la version 9.Incomediadire que sivous mettez à niveauvers la version10, vousne pouvez pas utiliserla version 9.DoncIncomediaont volémes données etrefuser de répondre àn'importe lequel de mesmessages.

NE PASpasser à la version10!

Posted on the
L. Korsmo
L. Korsmo

I have both Version 9 and 10 running and working on my computer.
Only reason I can see not to upgrade is to wait untill they have sorted out some bugs, and made V10 better, but no problem using both programs.

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Posted on the from L. Korsmo
Tony B.
Tony B.

Did you upgrade or buy a full V10 license?

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Posted on the from Tony B.
L. Korsmo
L. Korsmo

Ah!... Sorry... Full licence!
I did not know it was a difference.
I guess the problem is with upgrades then!
(read your other post)
I agree, Incomedia should fix this, people have to be able to convert their projects.

I just followed a e-mail advert and bought a full licence.
If I knew there was a upgrade plan, I would probably have upgraded to.
So I'm safe thanks to dumb luck then!

Don't upgrade, buy a full version! (but Incomedia should fix this)

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Posted on the from L. Korsmo
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

I have both versions and mine is the upgrade, I have no problems with either version of website x5

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Posted on the from Jamie B.
Tony B.
Tony B.

Interesting!  How long have you had both installed.  I suspect that after a time it will stop working.   See my other post on this and read what the moderator says.

It maybe useful if you post to Support and ask them if it is true as they seem to refuse to answer my private posts asking them to verify the information.

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Posted on the from Tony B.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

I will check for you and keep you posted, I have had the upgrade since it was released and as of yet, I have no problems.

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Posted on the from Jamie B.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

My version is still working without any problems, just checked again this morning, if you need any projects converting let me know, if you set up a drop box or sky drive account upload all project files in a zip file and then send me the download link i'll convert them for you.

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Posted on the from Jamie B.
Tony B.
Tony B.

Thanks for the offer Jamie.  I really appreciate it.  I am considering moving away from WSX5 because of so many issues and have started importing in the files on my host into something else.  However, WSX5 is still good for a quick presence on line and I have paid for WSX5!  I will let you know later.

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Posted on the from Tony B.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

No problem keep me posted, i'm more than happy to export them for you so you can use them on v10

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Posted on the from Jamie B.
Tony B.
Tony B.

Hi Jamie,

Just wanted to say thank you for the offer of help.  Incomedia finally gave me access to my V9 websites and I have just finished converting and verifying them.  Hopefully, they will all work in the way in V10 as in V9 - fingers crossed!  Again, thank you for your offer of help.

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Posted on the from Tony B.