ShoppingCart Error on Iphone 
Author: Jan Van Den Berg
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Ik heb een website met een webwinkel. Wil je produkten bestellen werkt alles normaal op de pc en laptop en Ipad. Maar als ik via mijn Iphone produkten wil bestellen krijg ik zodra ik het winkelwagentje aan klik ( op welk artikel dan ook) de foutmelding: QuotaExceederError: DOM Exeception 22
Heeft iemand een oplossing?
I have a website with a shop. When you order products, everything works fine if you order with PC, Laptop, Ipad. But when I order with my Iphone, on every which product i click on the basket, i get te Error message: QuotaExceederError: DOM Exeception 22
Has someone any solution?
Jan vd Berg
Posted on the
Hello Jan,
This message appears when your iphone browser cache is full and the order cannot be saved locally until the order is completed. Please try to clear the browser cache and then try again to make an order.
Please keep me updated.
***** Google Translation:
Dit bericht verschijntwanneer uwiPhonebrowser cachevol isendebestelling kan nietlokaal wordenopgeslagen totdatdebestelling is afgerond.Proberen om debrowsercacheen probeer het opnieuwomeenbestelling te maken.
Houdme op de hoogte.
Hello Claudio,
Thx for responding but I cleared the browser cache and the Iphone cache of my Iphone and still receive the same error. My Ipad has less memory than my Iphone and I do not have the problem on my Ipad.
Plse advise
Jan vd Berg
Hello Jan,
Are you using the private browsing on the iPhone?
If yes please try to deactivate it and then try again. This depends on the memory of the browser and it seems to have reached the maximum limit. It does not depend on the ram or space on the device. The browser has a max limit to use for cache and this seems to be full.
Many thanks!
Thanks Claudio, it is solved now!!!
For other people with same problem: When activation Safari on Iphone/Ipad in Private Mode, The browsers adres is black, and nothing will be saved in memory. When safare is used in normal mode the browsers adres is blue and everything is saved.
So if you order with your Iphone/Ipad using Safari, use the normal mode!!!
Thanks again Claudio,
Jan vd Berg