Error / Crash / Not Responding 
Author: Julio F.I've been facing several issues with website x5 on windows 8 > continuesly crashes and not respongin messages, the new issue is this error:
10/17/2013 2:09:51 PM [INFO] wizStart 10/17/2013 2:10:28 PM [INFO] wizProjectSelection 10/17/2013 2:10:37 PM [INFO] Saving Metadata... 10/17/2013 2:10:37 PM [INFO] Saved! 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] wizGeneralSettings 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File gallery\\silvia_thumb.png - Start 18 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File gallery\\academia_thumb.png - Start 6 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File gallery\\4.jpg - Start 13 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File gallery\\2_thumb.png - Start 21 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File gallery\\hermon_thumb.png - Start 12 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File gallery\\6.jpg - Start 17 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File images\\querebebe.jpg - Start 22 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File images\\academia.jpg - Start 16 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] File imemail\\imEmailForm_24k3jbv7.php - Start 20 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] Waiting 273 Threads 10/17/2013 2:10:43 PM [INFO] 2 File style\\template.css - End 19
And another one: "The instruction at0x05428da0 referenced memory at 0x00000020. The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program"...
Please help ASAP. I'm loosing my projects and money.
Julio F.
Hello Julio,
Uninstall the .NET Framework 4.0 from your computer and then use following cleanup tool to remove the remaining files:
Once the program has done reinstall the .NET Framework by downloading it from following link:
If this should not help then try following too:
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
Please keep me updated.
ok let me try. Thank you.