Paypal with shopping cart 
Auteur : Andrew H.
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Good Afternoon Everybody.
I have just completed my shopping cart with paypal. I have used my email address rather than the button.
When checking all is good I noticed that when I get to the final page, the customer is given a tracking number and that the transaction is complete. The thing is that they have yet to pay adn have to click the buy it now button below.
This is confusing for customers as the order of purchase is wrong. Surley you chhose your product, add your details, pay and then finally you get a tracking number.
What I would like to know if this is correct and has been designed like that, if so is there a way to change the order maybe adding a buy it now button earlier.
Thanks for the help
Posté le
sorry just to be clear the shopping cart is with X5 ive just added the paypal payment option!
Hi Andrew,
Yes your are right. it's an abnormal situation to have confirmation before payment... But it's sems a normal situation for Incomedia !!!! Since a long long very long time...
Many many users have done suggestions, prayers ...etc to change this order for a normal way:
Cart ready --> Payment --> payment / order confirmation
which should be....
But no news from Incomedia about this changing !!! and many many posts are on this forum about that...
Since 2 months, already 3 or 4 software updates... but not his one...
Hope this helps
Hi Andrew,
Unfortunately, I confirm all that Axel wrote
. Very long time means several years.
It's absolutely desolant...
Hey Incomedia, when will you put the purchase process in the right order?
My little finger tells me that some users here are about to find a way around this procedure and finally finalize an order in due form. To be continued
I think this is really poor, what website shopping cart an order of confirmation before purchase.
I think Im going to have to find another way to build my websites other than with incomedia.
I have been using X5 for years but now I feel Im just wasting my time.
The amount of hours ive spent on my sites just to find at the end my customers wont complete the purchase because they are confused and them probaly put doubt in the minds on the authenticity of the site! and that goes for every site with a shopping cart built by incomedia customers!
Thanks for putting me in the picture guys
Hi Andrew.
We've receive multiple feedback on the way this feature was conceived, and I've proceeded to forwarding all of these into a unique Idea topic, so that we might keep better track of it when discussing future implementations and modifications of the software.
Be sure that your requests don't go unheard, we always keep a close eye on those. Still, I cannot say for sure IF and WHEN they're going to included into the software, so right now I can simply thank you for dedicating some time to letting your idea be heard.
Thank you for your understanding
IF = Instant Failure
Incomedia, just fix the problem!
Make it a top priority.
Hello Everybody,
Im still stuck on my shopping cart and trying to think of a way around my problem!
Is there a way to change the text in stage four of the shopping cart so I can at least in text explain to my potential customers that they have yet to pay and their purchase is not yet complete!
The text im tring to change is
Your order has been correctly sent and will be processed as soon as possible.
An e-mail will be sent to you with all the data entered as well as shipment instructions and payment details.
In order to track your order, please note your Order Number:
Thanks for the help,
Andrew, you can modifify this text in Content Language. I added the text <br>Your order will NOT be despatched until payment is received.
Does anyone from this conversation know if the same thing is true for digital downloads? I'd hate to set up a Paypal option for payment, and then the customer is sent the digital item before paying for their download. I'm seeing that there are already issues with digital downloads from other people's posts that the downloads don't immediately get sent upon purchase... but to have this situation happen would be even worse and would defeat the purpose of a shopping cart altogether. Wondering if this happens to all purchases in the cart. Hmmm...
Hi German,
I can confirm that even for digital downloads, you still have to confirm the sending for your customer to receive the products. It works the same way it currently does for physical ones.
Hi Stefano
I have just completed setting up a shopping cart for digital downloads using Website X5 v 15 Pro.
I wish that the you didn't have to confirm the sending of digital products. I wish the program did it automatically after the customer had paid through Paypal.
Hi Hndrew, Esahc
The single way to change this is here an not into language (v15 Pro)
Hope this helps
Thanks for the help everybody.
It seems that we are all suffering the same problems.
Im still working on version 13 pro and very relucant to upgrade ad I see everybody has so many obvoius problems with the newer versions.
Its a shame as up to now i've always thought that X5 was a great concept and I highly recommend it to everybody I knew.
Since added shopping carts to my sites im having doubts.
Thanks again everybody.
FALCK, I have found that both techniques are necessary to stop confusion. The Language file needs to be changed so the message displayed on the website is correct, and also the message included in the confirmation email.
Nothing has changed in this procedure between v13 (&earlier) and v15
Still very fed up that nothinig has been done about instant digital downloads. Customers for digital downloads expect them to work 24 hours per day - not have to wait until I get up in the morning :(
Duncan, I understand your frustration, but I do hope this does not come as a cost to all users. I would hope this option comes in the form of an optional object and if a fee for service is required, then only those requiring this feature should pay.
I'm not sure I understand why it would be at an additional cost to users. I used to use a website editor, EZGenerator, and it did send a download link to the customer right after they paid... and it was of no extra cost to either us as the website builder / ecommerce site owner, or the customer purchasing. I couldn't quite say how the scripting went in terms of accomplishing this, but it worked well and the customer was happy. Alternatively, there was an option that was also sent to a customer if they were paying with an "e-check" rather than through Paypal or other payment gateway, so they would then receive a different message that prompted that they had to wait until their payment cleared.
I have still not yet purchased X5 because as Duncan said, customers, especially in my niche, expect to be able to download what they purchased after they pay for it. Hopefully, this, along with the ability to create multiple Discount Coupon Code options for the Entire Cart purchase, will be considered in a future (hopefully soon) update. I do not understand how a company such as the creator of X5 has not taken care of some things of more importance with eCommerce, such as instant digital downloads, or multiple Coupon Codes for checkout as most businesses with eCommerce online rely on these things. It is very normal these days for an eCommerce site, whether they are selling clothing, jewelry, artwork, music, or other products, to be able to have mutiple Coupon Codes, so that various people can use a code for their Entire Cart checkout, whether it removes Shipping Costs, or applies a % or $$ discount to the entire cart. I see that there is the ability for ONE code, but there should be an option for multiple codes... if I wanted to provide a general 10% Off, I could create a code called 10OFF for those customers, and then for those that have purchased from me in the past, I could create a different code that they would use, 20OFF, which would allow them to enter 20OFF at checkout for their 20% discount, while still allowing any customers using the 10OFF code to get their 10% discount, instead of my having to either choose one or the other as currently, there is only the ability for one code to be entered, and for it to work.
A shame, as X5 seems like a great program overall... but for some of the technical things an eCommerce site needs, such as instant digital downloads, or tracking information to be sent AFTER purchase vs before, or for multiple Coupon Codes, these things are non-existent in X5 as of this time. Hoping that they really consider adding them soon.
Just getting my 2 cents in on this. The payment bug -- yes, I call it a bug -- is such an incredible oversight that it's hard to believe it hasn't been changed in all these years. We've had confused customers email us to let us know about the problem, and it's embarrassing. With each new release over the years I've hoped that this flaw had been corrected, but somehow it doesn't seem to be a concern to Incomedia. How is this even possible??? I've considered using a more logical third-party e-commerce solution, but I resent having to purchase another service when I've already paid for X5.
Incomedia, please correct me if I'm mistaken, but when I purchased X5 Professional I don't recall getting a receipt before I paid for the product. On your own website there's a badge stating "This site was proudly made with WebSite X5" so I was curious how you managed to change the checkout process. Then it dawned on me that your ordering system redirects users to a Cleverbridge checkout page. I'm baffled at the fact that you created your website using your product, yet you don't use your own e-commerce system to handle your e-commerce!
Have you wondered why Cleverbridge does their confirmation and payment in the reverse order from your products? (The question is purely rhetorical.) Would you consider asking Cleverbridge to re-order their screens to match the order of your own e-commerce process? That one's not rhetorical; if you believe it's the correct process for us, you surely you must also believe that theirs is handling your orders backwards and you should insist on it for yourself. At the very least, you should consider the fact that your order processing is handled in the exact way that your customers having been asking you to design the code for ours.
Thanks for your consideration.
Website X5 licenses: ver 8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Professional
I guess I am going to join the crowd also and complain about the checkout order in Website X5. I can safely say that I have never bought online and had a checkout system that didn't collect payment when you initially check out. I used Webplus for 10 years before I switched over to Website X5 Pro. I never had a complaint or customer confusion about the checkout procedure. I have lost significant sales using Website X5 because people just give up when they see an unfamiliar checkout procedure or order and think they got a free item because they received a confirmation email and didn't pay for it.
This is an open question to Incomedia:When will you put a coder/engineer on this problem and have the problem fixed?
Your timely response in resolving this will go a long way towards showing you care about your customers who make a living off their web sales. They are the ones who are buying your most expensive Pro packages.
I used to code and this would take someone probably less than 2 weeks to modify code and after doing the regression testing to make sure nothing else gets broken in the fix.
Hello everybody.
I'm afraid I am unable to bring anything new to the table as of now. As already mentioned, this is a very requested feature, and might take time to consider and implement properly.
I will be sure to remind you one more time that all of your requests don't go unheard, we always keep a close eye on those. Still, I cannot say for sure IF and WHEN they're going to included into the software, so right now I can simply thank you for dedicating some time to letting your idea be heard.
Thank you for your understanding
Maybe it could help the customer to pay, if there is an option for an automatic redirection to PayPal in a new window when Step 4 is executed.
I just started using the shopping cart and lost clients who disengaged from the order process and also some who complained.
I am going to find another solution as I have been using WebsiteX5 pro for many years and always falling down on the shopping cart - this order thing at payment is so WRONG it must have been designed by a coder who doesnt live in the real world or who doesnt read all the feedback above.
I will give WebsiteX5 5 work days before switching to Shopify or WordPress and abandoning this.... management at incomedia had a great idea but should have listened to their customers.
Pity we cant get our money back but constantly unhappy customers are going to mean your directors dont get to trade in their Ferraris next year :)
Good luck to the rest of you if you'll ever see a change to the shopping cart and even easy integration with STRIPE or other well known international payment gateway.
This thread started back when Website X5 was at V15 and I have seen questions on this back to V12. After hearing all the complaints about the reverse order of the ordering system checkout procedure we were told that Incomedia listens to their customers (see below).
When V16 came out in June I had high hopes that this bug had been fixed but it hadn't. Several versions have been released since this was first brought up on the forums. Apparently we are not listened to afterall...
Earlier in this forum George S. made a striking observation that Incomedia claimed to use Website X5 to do their own websites but when you purchase anything on their website, you pay first and then the confirmation email comes out with the download information just like what we are all asking for. How do you do this Incomedia if you use your own Website X5 product?
I am thinking we will all just have to find another solution for our ecommerce website needs. Does anyone have any suggestions of other software to look at?
I'm glad I found this. I've been thinking of using Website X5 to update/revamp my website. After learning of this, I will look elsewhere. That problem seems to have not been addressed for a while! I was hoping to use for payment, but I'm guessing the same issue will occur.
actually contract and payment are two separate processes. We have changed in e-commerce the entry for buy now for Paypal payment just to pay now. since paypal also represents a picture for the button. In the language center of wx5 at paypal on paynow instead of buynow adjusted in the button link. After our perception of the situation, it is better if first the purchase contract is concluded and after the payment is made. Thus, the payment can also be made by bank instead of paypal, etc., especially if the customer reschedules for the payment. Often it can happen that the payment decision at the end is not appropriate. Should then be waived on the customer?
I'd like the functionality of online shopping where the user adds things to their cart, they checkout and pay. Simple is better. I wouldn't want them to get a 'tracking #' prior to payment. If there are good online web sites using Website X5 e-commerce, I'd like to check them out to see how the checkout process works. Especially ones in English, if possible.
Can someone from Incomedia respond on whether there has been any progress made on this issue?
Just to summarize the issue, the way Website X5 handles e-commerce is it first sends an email with the purchase information to the buyer and then requires them to respond back to purchase the goods or services they thought they had just bought. It turns it into a 2 step process.
It should be handled like every other shopping cart where you make the purchase and are then sent a confirmation email with your purchase information. Only a 1 step process. This is the way that even purchases off the Incomedia website are done. Incomedia claims that they use their own Website X5 software to do their own websites so how do they do it?
Please give us an option to pick the method that we want to use in the next release of the software...
Barry, there appears to be no progress on this issue, and it is not being treated as a bug so it is not part of the current beta. However, a 3rd party solution has been found if you are interested.
Just to add my input on the PayPal payment process. I have version 17 and still no fix for the shopping cart payment process. I also have an email problem where it does not go to the people that need the order and payment confirmation. I had someone order an item and the order was processed because only one person got the email. The email has all the addresses included, but could not separate them. The semicolon did not have a space after it, even though it was entered correctly in teh software. It reads it as one person!!
Anyway, the order was processed but not paid for because only one of three people got the order. We did not notice that the item hadn't been paid for. Apparently, they changed their minde, or were confused as to what to do. I knew this was goiing to happen when I brought it up a couple months ago. I said that to Incomedia a couple of months ago. What a mess!!! Stefano said the programmers were working on fixing it! I would think it would not be that difficult for the programmers that wrote the PHP code originally.
It is like the whole shopping cart is broken (in WebSiteX5 ver. 17). My customer is still believing I am fixing this. I have over 200 pages in my site and I cannot redo it... It took me over 300 hours to build this one.
I need to know if I can insert another shopping cart software into the WebsiteX5 Program. If so, how? Does anyone know?? I only need a very small shopping cart. I only have about 20 items for sale... most are memberships. Help!!
Also, is there some way to directly edit HTML without losing it in the processing of the software. Help!!
C Fox
It may be better to start a new post with the above questions (sadly I do not have the knowledge to do this for you), the one you are using is a bit old and most of the issues it raises have been resolved, the latest version (v17.0.8) now correctly handles electronic purchases, and I am not aware of any email issues. The only outstandiing request is that when purchasing through the online shop, most of us would prefer the user did not receive confirmation of order before receipt of payment.
I am not aware of any changes to the email, I have upgraded a couple of sites and all emails and emails in relation to purchases are handled exactly as before.
Did your processes work correctly previously and only stop working with the release of v17?
If you wish emails delivered to multiple addresses on receipt as an interim measure, why not set up forwarding in your hosting account. eg *** will go to purchasing account and a forwarder can also send it to *** and *** or similar.