Error importing images 
Auteur : Milan M.
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Importing images from the web is reported by a GENERAL ERROR. See attached pictures.
Antivirus does not block
The firewall does not block.
Where there may be a problem.
Thank you
Posté le
Hello Milan,
I have set this post for Incomedia te check, can you please add other picture and display error so they can take a look? i looks like there are some pictures missing from your post with these error(s) (you can only attach 1 file) Else make a zip file.
I am sending more pictures with an error message
Thank you
In the meantime i have tested something similair for another user, but in my case i can import without any problems in several version's.
Are you sure there is realy nothing holding this back at your end? Maybe another program that is interfering?
Try a restart of pc and a clean as possible start of x5 (mayba as admin if you have not done this already)
Can you also try a clean new project or a different pc just for test?
Because here, for me, it works fine and most times these things end up as some local block.
By debugging you can probably narrow it down to something locally.
Let me / Incomedia know.....
In which *.KFG file is set:
IP address and port
which downloads images from the web
Thank you.
Milan, I do not know the ip address & port but as a work around you can retrieve the same images by going to
To rule out problems with your modem or Internet Service Provider, is it possible to check with another connection (eg hotspot from your mobile) and confirm you are not working from a synchronised folder (eg onedrive).
Blocked avast antivirus. After updating it.
now everything ok
Thank you. M