Can't get row count with Database Viewer object
Auteur : Robert Poissant
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Hello to all of you
I need help, My data are well recorded in my database verified within PhpMyAdmin console but the objet Database viewer give me an error when accessing the DB «Can't get row count» I cannot find the solution is a problem with the object or I do something wrong ?
Thank you to consider my help request
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Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Please send a link to the page of the site where I can find the problem you described.
Try different versions of PHP on hosting.
i dati nel DB li hai "messi" tramite WebsiteX5 (ad esempio con contact-form invia dati a DB) o li hai messi tu tramite PHPMyadmin ?
e la tabella l'hai fatta creare al programma WebsiteX5 o l'hai creata tu con PHPMyadmin ?
O i DB è ancora vuoto ?
I have fixed the problem submitted. Of course the "Database Viewer" object works well (there is no issue with this object), the problem was a missing properties of the user account used by the object. I reconfigured and saved all the properties entitled to the database and everything returned to normal.
Thank you for your time and support
Best regards
I'm glad your problem has been resolved.