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Joshua G.
Joshua G.

Remove navigation bar  en

Auteur : Joshua G.
Visité 3306, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: links,navigation,vertical

How do I remove a navigation bar from a webpage I made from a template? Its left hand vertical and I want the main image on the right to replace the full width. Thanks for any help.

Posté le

Use thecustomtemplateand buildfrom the images anddatasizeof the template usedonthepageaccording to their wishes.

google translationfromGerman


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Posté le de JJ. JUAG
Joshua G.
Joshua G.

Thanks for the reply ... but excuse me for what might be a stupid question before I start plainng with a custom template ... How would I "turn off" the presence of a navigation bar? eventually, I want to make a link to that a main image to another template page, all that is manageable from reading the help files ... just this first step ...

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Posté le de Joshua G.

There isthepossibility to createa single pagewithout template,they gounder "2 CreatingtheSitemap"on the iconat the top righthandwith leafand check "pagewithout template"undergraphics.I hopeto understandyour questioncorrectly.
google translationfromGerman


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Posté le de JJ. JUAG
Joshua G.
Joshua G.

I'm sorry I don't understand ... nothing in 2 Sitemap creation seems to pertain to what I want to do ... I have already looked at custom template ... again no obvious means to remove or suppress the menu ... to repeat I simply want to, for the homepage only, remove the left hand side menu bar and have the "page contents" area expand to the left to fill up the space ... nothing else is changed ... all my pages so far are made from a preset template ... a link will be created on an image in  the page contents area to a further page I will create ... this new page will have the menu bar as normal and will follow the preset template ... these will not be problem ... just  how to get rid of the menu on the first page ... do I need to go into the code for the page? ... any simpler way?

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Posté le de Joshua G.
Little-key .
Little-key .

Do I understand correctly, completely remove the menu bar?

body #imMnMn {display:none; }

For all pages under (1):

For actual page (Before <HEAD> Tag):

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Posté le de Little-key .

an  Little-key: Habe es ausprobiert, funktioniert, danke, so habe auch ich wieder Was dazu gelernt, meine ursprüngliche Motivation hier mitzumachen und die Möglichkeiten von WX5 voll auszunutzen hat sich wieder erfüllt. Ich denke die Grenzen sind noch lange nicht erreicht! War mir gleich mal ein Nützlich wert!!



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Posté le de JJ. JUAG
Little-key .
Little-key .

Auch ich lerne täglich dazu, keiner ist vollkommen.
Das wußte ich ja auch nicht seit der Geburt.
Wichtig ist nur, dass man weiß, das fast alles mit X5 möglixh ist. Man muss sich nur mal mit den Standard-CSS-Dateien von X5 auseinandersetzen und schon findet man Lösungen.

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Posté le de Little-key .
Joshua G.
Joshua G.

Wow! thank you ... yes after embedding the code the menu links are gone. But the empty area is still there ... I wish to have the content area to its right expand and take its place ... the menu bar area and the main content area both have the default background color ... I merely have two images in the content area one on top of the other ... just want that frame and its grey background color to expand to take up the horizontal width where the navigation bar used to be ... the images still centered and perhaps resized ... note that both the menu bar and content area are separated by a default black border ...

do I make more changes to the code to remove the navigation bar? can any of you excellent gents give me a brief sample of code to look for in which to make the changes to expand my content window? where can I fget a good code editor? x5 doesn't seem to provide one ...

Can I create a site using a preselected template for the pages then say add one or more pages that use custom templates?

Pardon all the questions but I am relatively new to all this ...

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Posté le de Joshua G.