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Maia G.
Maia G.

Deactivation of "phpssid" session cookie  de

Auteur : Maia G.
Visité 3166, Followers 2, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: cookie,phpssid

My website leaves a "phpssid" session cookie on the pc of visitors. I would like to remove this operation.

It seems that the phpssid cookie is generated as soon as the "Contacts" page of my website is entered. This page contains a contact form for messages and optional file upload, including a "captcha" function (i.e. I don't sell anything online - no shopping cart, no database functions etc.).

I would be happy if someone could explain to me how the generation of this cookie can be removed/deactivated.

Posté le
Samuel V.
Samuel V.


I wonder if you could use a .htaccess file with this content :

php_flag session.use_trans_sid off

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Posté le de Samuel V.
Maia G.
Maia G.

Hello Samuel,

I tried out the .htaccess file – to no effect. I placed in the “admin” folder (I guess, that’s where it should be, does anybody know? At first, I had saved it in the main directory, but then I couldn’t access the website anymore).

I also tried out a robot.txt file containing
 “User-agent: *
Disallow: /*?PHPSESSID=*”

So far without success.

Any other ideas that could help?

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Posté le de Maia G.
Claudio D.

Hello Maia,

The .htaccess file has to be located in the main directory and if it is not working try to see if in the hosting account panel you have the option to deactivate it otherwise you need to contact the hosting provider to ask them to deactivate it for you.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posté le de Claudio D.