Unable to Export to Internet 
Auteur : Y. Khambatta
Detail information:-
Using WebSite X5 Evolution10 software created a small trial website, and tried to upload it to a subdomain created www.sanjan.ymk.co.nz , [not to interfere with main domain www.ymk.co.nz [ Hoisting by www.web-wide-hosting.co.nz, which I have to rebuild] having FPT account details given by cpanel as:-
FTP username: ***
FTP server: ftp.ymk.co.nz FTP & explicit
FTPS port: 21
Website Export to Internet -screen was set up as:--
Server Type: FTP-File Transfer Protocol
FTP Address: ftp.ymk.co.nz filled in
User name: *** Pass Word: 8digit alphanumeric Destination
Folder: /home/ymkconz1/public_html/sanjan [Approved by the hoisting support]
Port : 21 auto selected Simultaneous Connection: 3 auto selected- Use Passive FTP Ticked Enable gzip compression Ticked
Under Upload mode,--Upload all website files to the Internet
When I click Next, it starts the process A window saying Connecting --Starting connections, changes to Connecting---Authentication changes to connecting--- Multiple connection test and finally comes up with a message--- Destination folder is not correct.
Your advice and help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Destinationfolderisnot correct
Usethe correct directoryon the server
or askyour hosterfor the correctdirectoryfor ftp-upload
No. Tried your suggestion but it does not work. Thank you.
The best way: ask your hoster /provider for the correctdirectoryfor ftp-upload
or you make more tests, no directory, only public_html (/public_html) ... ??
make wx5 red points by ftp??
Thank you. . I tried /public_html and /public_html/ .But it does not work.
The webhost also finds /home/ymkconz1/public_html/sanjan as OK but wx5 red points to destination folder and not ftp. The destination folder is also shown by the File Manager in the cpanel.
Is public_html the correct folder, some Hosting Compnaies use httpdocs!
ergards Nigel
Thank you. I have checked by going to File Manager and the host uses public_html only, besides i had also referred the same problem and they do not find anything wrong in the destination folder address and says it has to do with the software - possibly settings/preferences. I have not changed preferences set by WebSite x5 Evolution 10.
it it is a subdomain, all you have to do is to put type in desitination folder field the name of your subdomain folder, in your case sanjan
Thank you but that too does not work.
If I do not put destination folder since it is optional, and go to next it shows cgi_bin and .ftpquota to choose or there is acommand to create anew folder so should I go ahead and ctrate a new folder -holidayhome and in the path give as
I hope it will not create any problem. Can you pease advice.
I dont know what is wrong with your host, but here how it works normaly (with every pro host company):
when you create a ftp account, you set permission for your account to, normaly permission by defult is your public_html.
now check and see what is the last destination to your permission.
if you set that to your public html, all you have to do is put the folder name, and it will work.
create another ftp account, on this one give access to your sanjan folder, then try it with webx5 and leave the destination folder blank.
let me know the result
Good Luck
Dear Anthony A.
Thank you so much for your efforts.
Unfortunately, I do not have complete knowledge. The first time when I set up using RV builder provided in cpanel, I had the support from the host co. in 2007. But now Rv buider does not work as informed by the host.
Using my limited knowledge, I went to file manager and public_html has permission 0750, sanjan permission 0755. Under sanjan are cgi_bin 0755 and .ftpquota 0600.0750. Just for your information Public_ftp has permission 0755 The path is/home/ymkconz1/public_html/sanjan
As I said that if I do not fill the destination folder and it goes to the next screen and shows the 2 folders cgi_bin[host says it is a system folder-not to touch it] and .ftpquota, which means that it is going to sanjan but finds 2 folders under it and possibly does not know where to upload. So that is why I wrote about creating a new folder say holidayhome.
Sorry, fo my level of knowledge.
Thanking you once again.
I wasn't talking about your folder permission, thay are fine by defult.
I attached a picture for you, thats normaly how you have to creat your ftp account (if your host using cpanel)
thats how you give permission to your ftp account.
after you put the path (mareked with red arrow)then you will create your ftp account.
if this picture didn't solved your problem, I would be more than happy if you want me to take a look at your ftp account in your host. my email address is ***
I had already done that and I have attached a screen shot of my cpanel for ftp accounts, after clicking configure , and showing
FTP username: ***
FTP server: ftp.ymk.co.nz
FTP & explicit FTPS port: 21
It appears that as i said in websitex5, if I do not put destination folder since it is optional, and go to next it shows cgi_bin and .ftpquota, which i suppose means that it is accessing sanjan folder.
I have sent email giving the screen shot, as i am not allowed to attach it below???
Thank you very much!
yes you are allowed to attach a file here, if its a big image, please send it to my email so I can see it. send 2 pictures, 1 from webx5 and one from your ftp account (make sure it showes the path). heres again my email address: support @ wdesigners DOT us
Good Luck
I got your email.
with what I see, your path is perfectly fine and you dont need to add name folder in website x5, your ftp is already pointing at your subdomain folder.
if still is not working, create another ftp account, in this one just point it at public_html.
then in your webx 5, use your new ftp account and put your folder name on "Destination Folder" field, see if this one works.
let me know the result
Good Luck
I believe the folder your seeing when you used "/home/ymkconz1" is a local folder which is only a temporary hidden folder on your pc. If you go to your pc browser file options and allow hidden files to be seen you can search the "local" folder to confirm this.
Have you tried adding the net start "http://ftp.ymk.co.nz/" to the server so it looks more like
"http://www.sanjan.ymk.co.nz/ftp.ymk.co.nz/" or put just the "/" at the very end of your server address.
With the newest versions of HTML version 5 this is sometimes needed for compatibility with mobile networks to read a lower version of HTML.
Like so "ftp.ymk.co.nz/"
Thank you Anthony, but I am unable to follow you.
The sub domain URL www.snjan.ymk.co.nz is where I want the new website to be uploaded. The other old website [needs changes] is the main website www.ymk.co.nz for which the path is [i suppose] as under Home---/home/ymkconz1/ isshown /public_html/ I am sorry, I am confused.
Thank you G.L. The "home/ymkconz1" is the root directory on the server.
I tried out all your suggestions given in bold but they do not work. As it is ftp.ymk.co.nz starts the connection and ends with note destination folder is incorrect.
is this your original path? "---/home/ymkconz1/ isshown /public_html/ "
if the answer is yes, check and see do you have a folder named "sanjan" under your "public_html" folder, if the answer is yes, then create a new ftp account and point it to original path "---/home/ymkconz1/ isshown /public_html/ "
then in your websitex5 program, put your folder name in destination path.
Let me know whats the result this time.
Good Luck
please check your email, I created a ftp account for you and everything working fine.