Contact form troubleshooting 
Autore: Adrian B.
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Contact form doesn't work... does not send email with visitors comments.
Any suggestions how to trouble-shoot this?
Thank you, Adrian
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There are already some posts about this, have you seen these? They might help you. (below page)
Thank you very much - i have read through and will try several of the suggestions.
But I am wondering.... should the X5 page created for the contact form not end in .php instead of .html? It is currently .html - I could change it to PHP with my ftp tool or the server cpanel file editor...?
Renaming the file to .PHP didn't work - more reading from your list..... :)
you can change it to php in the properties of the page! step3 properties -> expert TAB.
It should be in php. delete the html file on your webserevr. (step5 upload webste next, on your server select the contactform with html en remove it using button on top in x5.
Hello Adrian
Beware that some providers now only accepts the sender-id of the mail to be a sender id from the domain.
If your domain is then the mail should be yourname(at)
I am using (at) instead of @ as the forum will not allow email-addresses.
I had this problem on more of my sites - the provider just stopped sending mails with sender-id's not from the domain. There seemed to be no error. When using the "correct" mail, all was functioning again.
Thank you all for comments.
I forgot to mention that contact form worked fine when site was http, problem only started when https enabled.
I contacted server support; and they provided settings for using authenticated SMTP (SMTP address and port#) - but still no luck. I did try changing the page to php in X5 Properties/Expert; no luck.
When user completes contact form, user is redirected to confirmation page - and user also receives the X5 specified "confirmation email for the user" message from server. But the form contents do not get sent from server to address specified in X5 "data submission".
I did test the server SMTP mail function by creating a subdomain and installing a fresh wordpress - then installed the WP mail SMTP plug-in. Used the same https settings as for X5. then i sent a test email to the server email same as X5 setting for "data submission/user email" - that email was successful; so server SMTP function is working ok. Which tells me the issue is a X5 setting or function problem???
I appreciate all comments, thank you!
Thank you John - tested with "user" having same address as domain and user contact email was correctly sent.
Will contact server support back and see how to solve the problem.
Well this isn't solved..... an email from the server domain does work, but users don't have email addresses from the server domain.
So what next???
I'm kinda out of ideas...... contact form works if not https, if its https it isn't working with my host (siteground); but email works with wordpress contact form email plug in with external address as the user.
So server email is OK.... back to X5 problem it looks like.
Hi Adrian,
At this point, I would like to ask you, if possible, to test this on a different, free hosting. Most of the times, the issue is to be found in the particular configuration of an hosting, since the software itself only takes care of the sending part as far as data is concerned. If you find that the email is not leaving the server when only a certain domain is used, that has most surely nothing to do with the particular Script any website uses, since it is entirely handled by the Email Server.
As to what could be the issue in this case, unfortunately I can't tell since it would require a debugging of the Emailing Server itself. Your hosting's support anyway should be able to check this for you (why certain emails aren't getting sent) and eventually find out whether the issue could really be in some misconfiguration of the software or not.
Please proceed like this, and let me know what you find out with them
Keep me posted
Thank you
Do you know of a free hosting that includes ssl? I don't.....
... has nothing to do with it; ... with the form_mail it is always you who send the e-mail to yourself...
... the sender's e-mail address must be the one associated with the same website's web space ...
... perform all MAIL TESTS, in particular SMTP PHP Mailer proposed in the online panel: www.yoursitename/admin/
(IT) ... non c'entra; ...con il form_mail sei sempre tu che spedisci la e-mail a te stesso...
... l'indirizzo e-mail del mittente deve essere quello associato allo stesso spazio web del sito...
... effettuare tutti i TEST MAIL , in particolare SMTP PHP Mailer proposti nel pannello online: www.nometuosito/admin/
For Stefano:
I have not tested the site with another host yet; but thinking more about this - I think this will be a big problem. The problem is because of the SSL, I will need to repoint the domain to the test server, set up the new server email, etc. and there is a possibility the site repoint will make the site unavailable to customer for a period of time.
I'm not happy with this way of testing. I think it will cause problems and email continuity problems.
Is there another method you can recommend to test.??
Hi Adrian.
At this moment, we've received no report of actual issue with the email sending. Most of the time it is simply due to misconfigurations with the Emailing Server, since this is still a tricky part and many hostings make use of different configurations.
I'm afraid that the best help for you in order to set this up correctly and eventually understand why the Emails aren't getting out of your server would be to ask to your Hosting directly, since they should have full control of every Mailing log.
If you notice that certain domains in particular are not receiving the emails, it might be most important mentioning this to the hosting, which might guide you through the reasons why this is happening. Also let them know that you have multiple ways of sending emails that you can configure on the Software, and it might help them point you into the right one to use there
Let me know if I can offer any further insight on this
Thank you