New vat rules in Europe 
Autor: Sinisa B.
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@ Incomedia
Are you aware that the new VAT rules are being implemented in EU from 01.07.?
The details are on the below link:
Posted on the
Update Protection... next year LOL
Hello Sinisa,
I am going to report this right away, thank you!
Kind regards.
@ Elisa
When this will be fixed?
My client needs this feature "yesterday"... otherwise his web-shop is useless...
the best...
@ Axel

Well, I'm sure it will be fixed before Christmas....
Hi Sinisa,
I have reported this need, but I don't have any official information about the timing of the implementation, I hope it won't last long. I will let you know as soon as more info are available.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello ELisa,
It's not normal to wait at each time when a new regulation is up!
- RGPD has taken almost 2 years to be fixed, and to be honest is not 100% covered.
- Cookies regulation is not covered like asked and no possibility to choose any action done by the user. You provide a fake DP check object which is not free. We need again to pay for a normal function from a web design editor.
- Now VAT issue from the new regulation for the 1th of July.
We are the 22th of July, and you answer is: " I don't have any official information"
Many users are complained about this last issue... And Incomedia has no knowledge of this next regulation !!!!!
What is really your job Incomedia. Not to listen the market and laws also ????
Many others Web design editors have updated their software to be ready. NOT YOU
NOT ACCEPTABLE because we paid Update Protection for that.... And when it is now, it is now and not" I don't have any official information"
We wait at each time with no visibility, because you have no roadmap and priority list !
@ Elisa
I repeat myself - but: "When this issue will be fixed"?
This is not an ordinary bug or a glitch - this is a major oversight/negligence which could cost us of losing a client!!!
This would be the third client we lost due to a program's incapacity and that's the main reason we are not using the software anymore.
I don't know what else I could say... except that we're thinking to contact our legal service.
lawyer for non respect of EU regulations on time
Hi Sinisa,
we have found a possible solution we could work on, and which has been taken on by other tools as well. Basically, it should be enough to display the prices by stating that they are all VAT included, and in most cases we analyzed the VAT amount wasn't reported at all.
Let me make an example: on online store has a product A which costs €19,99. It should be enough to show the customer that the €19,99 already include the VAT, without having to display the VAT percentage (19% for Germany, 22% for Italy and so on). Of course, we need to make a modification so that the VAT amount can then be correctly calculated by the management software used for the invoice, but as far as the price displayed on the website goes the mentioned solution should be enough. What do you think?
Of course, we are giving the matter the priority it deserves, and I will be happy to keep you posted.
Thanks! Kind regards.
I am sorry to interrupt but problem is really serious. Personally I stop my plan with international shop made in website because of it.
Elisa - your proposal is completely unreal - if a buyer is a company with EU VAT then he needs a price without vat and he has no idea how many product costs if there is no vat in the shop.
I think if I pay for updates = programm working also with actual law regulations
+100 Adrzej
The program is out of EU regulations . This situation is absolutely abnormal...
Already on month to wait. And like you said Andrezj..; WE PAID UPDATE PROTECTION also to fix any issue in less one week ...
Hi Andrzej,
please consider mine was simply a consideration for a possible solution, I could well be wrong.
The main issue is that it wouldn't be possible to display the correct VAT amount until the customers have specified the country from which they place the order from. Therefore, a possible solution could be the one I mentioned, namely stating that the VAT is included in the price.
Furthermore, the solution we adopt has to be suitable for both the companies and the customers who do have to pay the VAT amount. It could be useful for instance to report the In the case of a purchase by a company, it is certainly useful to indicate in the terms of sale (which can be reported in the footer) that the seller will apply the VAT of the customer's billing country.
Please let me know if you have any doubts, and on which point, so I can better report them.
Thanks! Kind regards.
@ Elisa
The VAT amount should be presented & calculated regarding the country of the customer.
We could have the option that the VAT amount is automatically included (calculated) in the TOTAL price - but we also should have the possibility to state the VAT amount as a separate amount in the invoice.
The point is - the customer should be clearly notified regarding the VAT amount in the shopping-cart.
Hopefully, we have understood each other...
You said:
"The main issue is that it wouldn't be possible to display the correct VAT amount until the customers have specified the country"
Yes OK, but the customer put the country with his address into the form before to check the order. So it's is not a problem to display the good VAT after that !!!
Updating protection in my case and Siniša B is useless ... In this forum I keep repeating errors in the application (facebook, CMS ...) there is no answer ... This application has become frivolous
And no fix into actual Beta v2021.3.4
@Sinisa. next one ....
It's a pity
Hi everyone,
so it would be ok not to display the vat amount included in the price until the customers reports their billing country, correct? I will report this useful information. Please consider that it is a pretty big change to be applied, because it involves managing different taxes according to the billing country and therefore modifying the way the shopping cart works, but we are working in order to verify how to proceed. I will be happy to keep you posted.
Thanks! Have a nice day.
@ Elisa
Take a look how it's done in this e-commerce app (FREE download):
e-Commerce part is not available into the free version !
Hi guys!
Thank you for the useful feedback! I will forward this to the team in charge.
Thanks! Kind regards.
@ Elisa
When can we expect working solution for this?
This should have been done before July 1st!!!
Incredible sloppiness!
@ Incomedia
What can I say to my clients who are not able to sell for two whole months to the other countries because of the EU VAT changes YOU STILL HAVE NOT IMPLEMENTED?
And the bad story, is not anymore in the latest Beta out since 2 days !
I am still waiting with my international shop and I just wondering how long and what is your proposal of recompense for active update protection of programm still without actual law rules...
I think one year extra update protection for free for all active users commanded by any customer protection office makes some right and quick activitity in your company.
@ Axel & @ Andrzej
Probably the legal "moves" should be necessary to get the desired reaction... but if the company is at the verge of bankruptcy - we will not see any "compensation"...
I'm glad that our newest & future web related project(s) are not depending on this software...
I can advise you to do the same. Cheers, guys!
@ Incomedia
No news about fixing this critical issue (VAT calculation in EU) in the BETA!
What kind of company are you?
Hi Sinisa,
as I mentioned earlier in this post, this would be a pretty big change, as it involves the way different taxes are managed according to the billing country, which then has effects on the way the shopping cart works. As soon as news are available about this topic, I will be more than happy to inform you.
Thank you!
It was necessary to plan in time
and not when the date is out !
Just more pro.
@ Elisa
Changing the rules on the calculation of VAT was announced more than a year ago - your explanation is ridiculous!
The company reacted to this only after my announcement on this post - this speakes voulmes about the company...
GDPR compliance is not ready yet !!!
Incomedia says yes, but I SAY NO, not all regulation chapters are ready into WSX5 ! even after many user complaints...
Not pro again...
I believe that until an unknown date the only possible solution with wsx5 is to offer users different marketplaces based on their country, in other words it is necessary to create separate projects for each country with separate databases. CRAZY!
@ Axel
Didn't know that... What is missing regarding the GDPR?
@ Fabio
Maybe Incomedia somehow knows that EU will soon cease to exist, so we would not need it at all?!
By example the user cannot modified his own data and or to remove them from the db.
And It is not possible by concept to do that easily
The user data are not into a simple DB table like it should be, but int the usert table for login infos, and invoicie_adress for the name, address ...etc.. And these infos are for each order into the DB !!!!
And could be be also into the hsipping_address.
So there is no unique table for the user data. Th DB is populated into many tables for each user...
It's an Incomdia DB concept... Not the best for sure...
So by this one, GDPR is not covered at 100%...
@ Axel
Thank you for the clarification!
Almost a year ago I have concluded that the company politics is not on the side of the user, so this issue will never be solved...
If the DB concept is not changed for a normal DB strcuture (tables, and indexing usage from one table to other(s)) , probably not... But may be the dev guy is out now !!!
It's pity and a main constraint!
@ Axel
Any major change (i.e. DB structure change) is not possible in this software - the company cannot even make the legally required updates! (they heard about them from their users!)
I'm sad to say because I have invested hundreds of hours just WRITING POSTS on this forum(!) - but this software has no future as a professional tool.
Is this fixed now or not yet?
The best solution using WSX5 is to implement ECWid:
I agree - but this has to be done by Incomedia.
Yes of course; i mean for now, for all that Incomedia's clients wich cannot wait for theyr problem solving; until 10 items ECWid is free and you have Paypal Commerce Platform and updates automatically.
Anyway, i have a question: i was reading this article:
If i have a e-commerce in Italy and i sell item to Germany, as my item travels trough italian postal service first and german postal service after, what vat should i include in the website form for shipping cost? Thank you
@ Fabio
In your case - the VAT should be German because the final destination of your product is Germany.
Are you sure? The vat on the item and the vat on the shipping provider are separeted. So?
I had a little right
Hi there!
I confirm the development phase is concluded: you will be able to test the new VAT function as soon as the new Preview version is available.
Thanks! Kind regards.
@ Fabio
I have bought an item from Cyprus - and the invoice had a Croatian VAT (25%).
As Elisa wrote - hopefully Incomedia has implemented this for the "preview" version...