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Ashlee  T.
Ashlee T.

Activation Error 404  en

Autor: Ashlee T.
Visited 3575, Followers 3, Udostępniony 52  

I'm receiving an activation error 404 while trying to activate the newly purchased website x5 v9 over the net. It comes up with the message: It was not possible to connect to the internet or the Incomedia server. My internet is on by the way. Please help.

Posted on the
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . did you check your *internet-connection* ? x5 is *calling home* for registration - so you have to have a working internet connection. Check antivirus/firewall - possibly they are *blocking* . . .

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Posted on the from Pcssa .
Ashlee  T.
Ashlee T.

I have a working internet connection. I have also disabled the firewall and antivirus but still to no avail with the same error message

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Posted on the from Ashlee T.
Ashlee  T.
Ashlee T.

How do I can an unlock code since I cannot even activate over the net?

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Posted on the from Ashlee T.
Riccardo P.

This error depends on your internet connection, make sure it works properly.

If you need i can tell you the procedure of manually unlock.

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Posted on the from Riccardo P.
Steve J.

Hello Ashlee, please be also sure the problem could not be related to the fact you're connecting to the Internet using a PROXY. Let me know.

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Posted on the from Steve J.
Ashlee  T.
Ashlee T.

Yes, I would like you to tell me the procedure to manually unlock my software so I can start using it. I am not using a proxy internet. 

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Posted on the from Ashlee T.
Samantha M.


The error you are having is very strange, we have installed thousands of programs up until now therefore I will try to help you solve it.

As my collegue was saying the error could be caused by 3 different things:

  • Proxy
  • your internet connection
  • Access to our server- which could have been temporarily unavailable

First of all, I would like to ask you to try once more in order to understand if it was caused by the other two points.

If you still can not manage, please preoceed with the manual activation:

  • Run the imRegister and after you entered the LicenceKey and the email, press CTRL + the Next button toghether. You will then enter the Manual Activation panel.
  • Once you see that panel, save the instructions, open the HTML file and paste in this post the Link you can see.
  • I will then be able to give you your unlock code.
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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Ashlee  T.
Ashlee T.

Ok, the software is now registered manually by following your instructions. Thank you very much, and looking forward to using now.

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Posted on the from Ashlee T.