X5 11pro - content, text and images disappear, text styles not applied in preview or export 
Author: Javier R.I just upgraded to V11 pro, imported one of my projects and started editing, it has been a lot of trouble working with this new version, feels like an unfinished product, sorry I don't want to offend any body just posting my experience, I think wX5 is a great product however, some things need to be fixed to be used as it was intended to be.
FIRST: The images and content disappears, I'm working on a text object with tabbed content, there are 6 tabs, with image and text. Well, I have lost already 3 finished tabs because the content simply disappeared, NOTE: it didn't occur all at once.
SECOND: Another problem is that the styling I make to the text, size and color is not applied to the preview neither to the exported file, but in the software I see the text with the styling changes I made. It doesn't happen in all tabs, and when I finally fix one tab then another loss the style or deletes the content, I have tried creating a new page and the problem persists.
I can't finish updating one single page because of this problem.
If you suggest to start a new site from scratch, that's not an option, it' will take me a lot of time because I have made so many changes and my project has many pages, I have already spent many time creating this website.
Incomedia, should I go back to V10?
Hello Javier,
Can you please check if the same happens on a new project and if it happens also the steps you do so we can identify the source of the issue to fix it?
It would be useful to know the exact procedure so it can be identified what causes this loss and fix it.
Many thanks!
Ok I created a new project, added a text object and added 9 tabs then added text and images and different styling to the text in each tab. the problem started when I moved the tabs, for example moved the first tab to the 5th place the 8th tab to the seccond place and then in the preview the styling I made where lost. I think it's possible that this also occur if I rename the tabs, but I coudln't verify that.
however, I couldn't reproduce the lost of content in this new project.
I really hope you find a solution to this problem, I purchasd V11 but I'm not using it because of this problem.
Hello Javier,
About the tabs issue when moved this has been already reported to the developers. About the other issue, unfortunately I still could not reproduce it.
If you find a way it happens and can inform me I will pass this information to the developers so they can verify it and in case fix it.
Many thanks!
Thank you Claudio, I hope this get fixed soon.
I would recommend to the devs to play around with a tab content adding text and images and then resizing the images and editing text as well as their styling, may be they can replicate the deletion of the contet and images, that's how it happened to me.
I purchased V11 and can't use it!
I hope this be fixed soon...
Hi I am so happy that someone else is having this problem, It's driving me crazy !!
Software X5 11 pro. Problem i am having is tabs will not colour the text, or curser does not show up in box. i have been pasting text into them from word and text docs etc etc. Make a new box and put text into it then copy and paste over the text that will not change colour and it's a toss up as to wethere it works or not most of the time not. Plz fix this issue because i have wasted 4 hrs on one text box !!! Arrgggggg
I think this is the same kind of problem i am having https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/post/109679
The same error in my case, preview option is not working, if you like i will send you a debug of X5.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: WebSiteX5.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 546c6e83
Fault Module Name: clr.dll
Fault Module Version: 4.0.30319.18444
Fault Module Timestamp: 52717e84
Exception Code: c00000fd
Exception Offset: 003793f2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1050
Additional Information 1: e99a
Additional Information 2: e99a0ea3bee240e31ddc033d4db7b5c9
Additional Information 3: 46c6
Additional Information 4: 46c6d2f9aa11fef009f4ba39be641a17
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