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Thomas R.
Thomas R.

Office 365 emails from website go to junk  en

Автор: Thomas R.
Просмотрено 357, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I have another issue.  my site,, when i sumbit a cart checkout or ask a question, the emails go into JUNK in office 365.  I've updated settings, still going to junk.  I am using PHP Mailer.

Thank you

4 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

The decision as to whether emails end up in the spam folder is made by the email provider, for example based on the email sender.  It's not WebSite X5's fault.

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Normally you can train the mail filters by dragging the emails into the correct mail folder. At some point the mail filter learned that the emails from this sender are good emails.

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Pavel M.
Pavel M.

Use sending emails via SMTP. You can ask the hosting for the settings.

In my example, letters started coming.

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Размещено От Pavel M.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Лучший пользователь месяца IT

you have to use the mail linked to your domain configured as
authenticated smtp
then ask your host if dkim, dmark and/or spdif can be enabled

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Размещено От Claudio D.