" Saving Project and updating files " page Freezing at the end 
Auteur : M. Kalem
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" Saving Project and updating files " page Freezing at the end; in % 100
X5 pro 2024.1 version
Hosting: Contabo
Cpanel use
X5 uninstall and install again but still the same
where should I search for the problem?
Posté le
I also have the current Pro version and the export runs quickly, but yesterday it stalled at 97% a few times and took a very long time to complete the export.
With further exports everything went back to normal.
I have no idea what caused exports to stall.
M. Kalem
I once had this issue caused by "too many" temporary files. You could run disk cleanup (click on search in taskbar and type disk clean) to remove redundant files.
small resistance, after Interestingly worked.
thank you; Chase Computers...
Unfortunately, this method not working anymore,
additionally tried :
1- checked firewall; allowed for Incomedia
2- checked antivirus program and dependents: to allow Incomedia
3- install the last update from Incomedia
continue to freeze at the end.
Maybe wait 10 or 15 minutes and drink coffee, watch TV or do something similar – will it work?
I simply waited a few times until WebSiteX5 was finished and then everything went back to normal.
1 day I left and came back after 5 hours, still the same.
No Move
I have now updated to the pro version 2024.1.6 and added another page to a test site and exported it completely to the Internet - that was quick.
I then loaded my demo shop and exported it completely to the Internet - that was also quick.
Maybe the Incomedia employees should take a look at the website.
To do this, send the project as an IWZIP (5 Export > Export Project) by email to Incomedia via Wetransfer.com if the Incomedia employees provide their email address here in the post, so that it can be ruled out that there is an error in the project.
Incomedia employees should be online here during office hours in Italy.
the IWZIP file can be sent to sales @ incomedia.eu (without the spaces).
Good days
Already sent a day before
any update?
everything cleared and re install again including hosting server.
its getting worst.
use Core FTP LE ( which Cpanel Forcing to us)
Filezilla is better
but all not practical, many tasks to do
should I format the computer finally?
what is causing this any idea?
Just realised
CPanel comes without PHP installed
you need to find and install it,
Hopefully it will work
Hello Mahmut,
I made a test export for the project, but did not run into the same issue, so there might be a local factor impacting this.
Do you have a different network available, to check if it may be an issue with the connection you used during the export?
If the result is the same, you could also check the outcome after a reinstall of the software with some additional steps:
1) Uninstall the software in the standard way, from the Windows panel.
2) Go to the path C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Incomedia and delete the folder corresponding to your version of the software (it should be WebSite X5 - Pro).
3) Restart the PC.
4) With the antivirus and firewall temporarily disabled, run as admin the installer you can find here: https://www.websitex5.com/download/v2024.1/wsx5_pro.exe
Hi Incomedia and Eric C.
Thanks for instructions, I followed up all.
tried almost 1 month. To be sure
Most of the times problem persist.
rare times goes well.No clue what is causing the matter.
Mostly Freezes : PLUGIN APP OBJECTS>>> custom CSS
as like as photo:
If I check the hosting, files with filezilla FTP, these CSS' s already uploaded.
For your info,
Wild shot:
Use Ctrl+preview before upload.
Then use "All files" when uploading.
Does this make a difference?