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Bugg V.
Bugg V.

Some changes on my website don't change on the internet after downloading changes?  en

Author: Bugg V.
Visited 1553, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I'm trying to change the font color in my form and it shows up in my preview but when I upload it to the server in doesn't change on the internet?

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Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Bugg,

The most likely reason for this is that your browser still has the original font colour stored in its cache.

Try reloading the page in your browser by holding down the CTRL key whilst pressing F5 on your keyboard.  Alternatively open the page in an incognito/private browser window.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Bugg V.
Bugg V.

Didn't help?

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Posted on the from Bugg V.
Bugg V.
Bugg V.

This is what it looks like when I preview on Website X5 Pro

This is what it looks like online? 

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Posted on the from Bugg V.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

Try open up the page on another browser... IF THE SAME THAN

Upload the site again (the whole site - not just the new stuff).

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.

CTRL + preview to reconstruct all website before export

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Posted on the from Axel  
Bugg V.
Bugg V.

Still not working, really weird?

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Posted on the from Bugg V.
Bugg V.
Bugg V.

I've called my web hosting company GoDaddy and they looked at security issues like my SSl certificate and a fire wall but said that wouldn't be stopping the changes. They looked at clearing the cache on their end and that didn't change anything. They said maybe its a cache problem with website X5? Don't really know where to go from here.

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Posted on the from Bugg V.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

You must delete the previously uploaded site files from the server and you must reload the whole site and not just the latest changes, as also explained by Sinisa

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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Bugg V.
Bugg V.

Trying to upload more changes to see if it wasn't just a form problem and nothing is even changing right now. Not words mispelled on the page or any small changes. Everytime I clear my Cache and try it opening my website in incognito mode too. It feels like its a website X5 problem? is my website.

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Posted on the from Bugg V.
Paul M.
Paul M.

It looks as though you are uploading to the wrong folder on the server.

Check the FTP settings carefully in Step 5, in particular the 'Destination folder' under 'Optional parameters'.

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Bugg V.
Bugg V.

So digging further with the hosting company. It seems like my export to the internet wasn't creating an index.html file. Instead Website X5 created a file: sierra backflow.html that we changed to index.html in the file manager and everything seems to be working. Where would I change sierra backflow.html to create index.html in website X5 for export.

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Posted on the from Bugg V.
Stefano G.

Hello Bugg

Could it be that you change the file name to the homepage?

Go to Step 3:

Make sure that the file name is "index"

Keep me posted here on the result

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.